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他们为参加聚会着意打扮了一番。They were all dolled up for the party.

我显然是个披着意军制服的德国人。I was obviously a german in italian uniform.

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“我是在电视上看着意甲长大的,”他说。"I grew up watching Serie A on TV, " he said.

他们着意打扮,穿上了节日盛装。They were all decked out in their Sunday best.

麻烦缠身的星巴克幡然醒悟,着意提高咖啡品质The troubled company wakes up and smells the coffee

导演手法巧妙地着意渲染使电影更增添恐怖气氛。The director cleverly atmosphered the film for added chills.

除了蕾丝,印花、纹理和丰富的配饰也是设计师着意开拓的元素。Prints, texture and rich embellishment were other avenues of exploration.

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作品在基于现实的基础上,采用浪漫主义手法行文,着意表现爱的奇迹。Works on the basis of reality, romantic way with wording deliberately show the miracle of love.

一个受访者饿得嚎啕大哭,还有一个,吃着意粉,穿香奈儿,说放荡逗人的笑话却不知道“老鼠”的复数。Another ate pasta, wore Chanel, cracked filthy, funny jokes but did not know the plural for “mouse.

我们花大量时间想着这个神秘的陌生人,甚至找出头巾,着意打扮自己。We spent a lot of time thinking about the mysterious stranger, even find turbans, and rewriter dress.

在工作多年的笔者着意的DX出一些表现最佳的调频调谐器。Over the years the author has intentionally sought out some of the top performing FM tuners for DX work.

作者着意写出这种个人与社会的矛盾,表现出宿命论的色彩。YAN Zhen aimed to point out this contradiction between person and society, in which express his fatalism.

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这位闹剧门事件的中心人物仍然在关注着意甲的一举一动。The man at the centre of the Calciopoli scandal continues to watch the Serie A scene and now acts as a pundit.

最后,她还着意对丈夫的身体素质贬低了一番,说我很奇怪杰姬居然跟我在一起这么长时间。Finally, she disparaged his physical attributes, adding that 'I am surprised Jackie stayed with me for so long.

只是到了近代,历史学家才着意记述了城市所带来的新的生活方式。Only recently have historians devoted themselves to discribing the new modes of life to which the city gave rise.

这与古典小说家善用曲笔,着意编排曲折离奇的情节不无关系。It has a good relation with the novelist who were good at those writing skills and the extraordinary plot arrangement.

“我是在电视上看着意甲长大的,”他说。“众所周知,意甲可能是欧洲踢得最漂亮的足球联赛。”"I grew up watching Serie A on TV," he said. "It was football that everyone knew, perhaps the most beautiful in Europe.

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毕竟,他们是着意进行投资的人们,在意他们的事业,并且积累了非同小可的财富。After all, they’re the ones who carefully invest their money, focus on their careers, and have accumulated serious wealth.

饭毕,因为我着意咀嚼了多次,感觉应该在品鉴神户牛肉方面“更上了一层楼”。By the end of the meal, I had done quite a lot of deliberate chewing and was well on my way to understanding Kobe beef in greater depth.

围绕着主要人物的心路历程,将原著想要着意体现的“优美健康自然,而又不悖乎人性的人生形式”予以充分展示。Centering on the main characters' thoughts and feelings, it fully revealed the novel's theme of pursuing a life of grace, health and naturalness.