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孩子们靠他们的父母供给衣食。Children their parents for food and clothes.

以后全家住在武南庄衣食无忧。Later the family live in wu need not founded.

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父母为我们提供衣食。Our parents provide us for food and clothing.

王叔叔得供给家里衣食,养活家口。Uncle Wang has to food and clothes his family.

假设我中彩票了,我下辈子就衣食无忧了。If I win the lottery, I will be set up for life.

孩子们依赖父母供给衣食。Children depend on their parents for food and cloth.

小孩子衣食都要靠父母。Children depend on their parents for food and clothes.

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儿女们依赖他们的父母供给衣食。Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.

那位父亲必须供给家里衣食,养家活口。The father must provide food and clothes for his family.

他终年为全家提供衣食而劳碌。He tugged all the year round to feed and clothe his family.

我们的研究主要是研究家乡的衣食住方面。Our disquisition mainly study the clothes, food and housing.

她设想衣食无忧的生活。She imagined her life without worrying about clothes and food.

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它可以资助你实现美梦,养活你的家庭,让你衣食无忧。It can fund your dreams, support your family, and keep you warm and fed.

也就是说,我们身体在自我保护的过程中,也确保了沙门氏菌正衣食无忧。So by protecting ourselves, we're also ensuring that salmonella stay well-fed.

因为得到她们的接济,董林过了半年衣食无忧的生活。He received them, Lin Dong enough to live comfortably after six months of life.

他们说在这个金猪年出生的小孩,长大后会上衣食无忧的生活。They say babies born in the golden pig year will have comfortable and wealthy lives.

无论我身在何处,我都能得到衣食、庇护,还有关爱我的人。No matter where I was, I always had food, clothing, shelter, and people who loved me.

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而后,稳定的退休金将保证他们衣食无忧,这其中一半来自政府,一半来自公司。And a steady pension kicks in—it comes partly from the state, partly from the company.

在日常生活上,假如我们有足够的收入及储蓄,那么衣食就会无忧。In daily life we should have enough income and saving so that to live in a well-being life.

这与世界贸易之间的关系,就在于你必须先让民众衣食无忧What this has to do with global economy is that you have to be able to feed the population.