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我与你同岁。I'm of an age with you.

他们几乎同岁。They are nearly of an age.

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这两个男孩同岁。The two boys are of an age.

他们几乎同岁。They were nearly of an age.

他和他的妻子同岁。He is the same age as his wife.

他们俩其实是同岁的。They were born on the same year.

我不知道。我想他和我同岁吧。I'm not sure. I think he is my age.

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她说,我和她的爷爷同岁。She said, I and her grandfather age.

他们被认为是同岁。They are considered of the same age.

汤母和迈克是同岁。Tom is fifteen, Mike is fifteen, too.

她和我同岁。但她看上去很年轻。She is my age. But she looks very young.

实际上当时叔叔和我同岁。In fact my uncle was also 19 at the time.

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看,我女儿也是25岁,几乎和你同岁。See, my girl's twenty-five, almost the same age as you.

当他和你同岁的时候,他已经是美国总统了。And when he was your age he was the President of the USA.

倘若他见你们的面貌比你们同岁的少年人肌瘦,怎么好呢?Why should he see you looking worse than the other young men your age?

搭你车的孩子不必是朋友,甚至同岁。The kids in your car pool do not have to be friends or even the same age.

那脱衣舞女有一个和我同岁的女儿,还想把我介绍给她。我不知道应该说啥。The stripper had a daughter my age and offered to introduce us. I didn't know what to say to that.

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举个贴切的例子,那种感觉就像17岁的我吻到了我一直心仪的同岁女孩儿。The 17-year-old girl I longed for as a 17-year-old boy had just kissed me. It was exactly like that.

为何不让她看看君临?国王陛下差不多跟她同岁,他会很高兴结交新的朋友。Why not let her see King's Landing? His Grace is almost of an age with her. He would be pleased to have another friend.

对比自己最好的朋友领养的一个与瑞恩同岁的名叫波莉的漂亮小女孩,梅根就更加愤怒了。Megan is doubly furious because her best friend has adopted a daughterexactly Ryan’s age, a beautiful little girl named Polly.