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抢救人员必须等待退潮。The salvors must wait for low tide.

退潮把鲸鱼搁浅在海滩上。The receding tide stranded the whale.

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退潮时我涉水出去得更远。I waded farther out as the tide ebbed.

当工作退潮而去,他在酣甜中渐弱了他的呻吟。When job ebbs with his groans fading into slumber.

退潮后,短指和尚蟹成群在泥滩上觅食。Soldier Crabs feed on mudflats after the tide ebbs.

退潮之后,他们就四处去拾贝壳。When the tide ebbed, they scattered to pick sea shells.

退潮时我们可以在沙滩上捡贝壳。When the tide is out,we can pick up some shells on the sand.

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虽然正是退潮时刻,但还是出现一些姗姗而来的巨浪。Although the tide was going out, there were few slow rollers.

退潮后沙滩上留下了许多贝壳。When the tide had ebbed away,the shells were left on the sand.

海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮。Sea-water tide, day-to-day tide, every-day tide and every-day ebb.

在退潮时,客人通过海滩拖拉机进出酒店。Guests are ferried to and from the hotel via "sea tractor" during low tide.

例如看着潮汐随着潮退潮涨而改变,真是奇妙无比的。For example, it's amazing to see the way a tidal pool changes with the tide.

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因此众多概念股也在这一轮退潮中被沽空。Because this is numerous concept also be in one round this refluent in by buy sky.

现在是潮高时间非常小的浪,下午退潮时间可能会有膝盖高的浪。Some lines that might build up into some knee high wave at low tide in the afternoon.

现在正是开始退潮的时刻,大船围着铁锚旋转。By this time the tide was beginning to ebb , and the ship was swinging round to her anchor.

色彩越来越生动。不饱和理论退潮,取而代之的是色彩浓度。Colors are becoming more vivid. Desaturation has drained away, and the chroma factor pumped up.

这时正赶上退潮,所以连那些被印度洋的海浪冲刷的粗树根都看得清清楚楚。It being low tide , they could see their thick roots, nibbled by the teeth of the Indian Ocean.

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退潮时一艘船坐落在沙滩上,在滨海韦斯顿重建的韦斯顿大码头附近,英格兰。A boat sits on the beach at low tide near the rebuilt Weston Grand Pier in Weston-super-Mare, England.

一只海水退潮后搁浅到沙滩上的渔船斜靠在爱尔兰斯勒沃达科海湾布满海草的岩石上。A fishing boat, beached by low tide, leans against seaweed-covered rocks in Ireland's Sruwaddacon Bay.

当潮水退潮,海水跑更远的海平面和滋润buttomland出现。When the tide is on the ebb, the seawater runs farther to the sealevel and the moist buttomland emerges.