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酒店的杂牌洗发水和护发素是最棒的。Nonbrand shampoo and conditioner at hotels are the best.

从现在起就该好好学习,否则你最后只好上杂牌大学了。Study hard from now on otherwise you'll have to go to a cow college.

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如果有需要,取消掉昂贵的“家庭票房”有线电视套装或是开始购买杂牌早餐谷物。If need be, cancel the fancy HBO cable TV package or start buying the no-name breakfast cereal.

杂牌机充斥的市场何时能迎来规范化发展时代?When can the market welcome the standardized development time in the inferior brand machine floods?

五支包裹里的杂牌牙刷就好像是一个个偷来的便士,但你要考虑下这样是否值得。Five no-name toothbrushes in a package may seem like a steal at a handful of pennies each, but consider the risks.

每当未经训练的杂牌叛军试图进行一场反扑时,空军轰炸都会阻止他们重新集结。Aerial bombardment, too, prevented ill-trained irregulars from regrouping each time they tried to mount an effective counter-attack.

很多商家为了忽悠消费者购买杂牌电源,借口就是接口越多支持的配件越多,性价比更高。Many businesses to buy non-brand-name power supply, interface is an excuse for more of the accessories support the more cost-effective.

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按照通常美国人的观点,白人是体现阳刚之气的典范,而亚洲男性则属于杂牌儿军。Under the prevailing American view white men are the embodiments of the masculine ideal while Asian men are relegated to off-brand status.

没名的杂牌硬件产品可能比较便宜而且有时与品牌硬件质量一样好,但是品牌产品之所以出名就是因为他们的稳定性。No-name products may be cheaper and sometimes just as good as name-brand products, but name-brand products usually became well-known because of their reliability.

就是这样一个由魔法手段与组织纪律全然各异的魔法师组成的杂牌联盟,居然成功地捕获了三大魔王中的两个。Employing disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within a powerful artifacts called Soulstones.

在分化、组合和升级中专营店增多,名牌精品店增多,无牌、杂牌产品即使价低,市场依然在缩小。In the division, mix and promotion franchise stores increased number of brand-name gift shop, unlicensed, non-brand products even low price, the market is still in narrowing.