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利弗莫尔退休人员因健康保险福利状告加州大学Livermore Retirees Sue University Over Health Care Benefits

少年母亲十分生气便一状告上法院。The boy's mother was very angry and filed a lawsuit in court.

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陈平状告儿子不孝,并且索要赡养费。Chen accuses his son of being not filial and asks for solatium.

中国家长估计会状告学校虐待他的孩子。The parents would certainly sue the schools for mistreating their children.

其中的几名状告市政府,随后市政府查禁了公布此案的学生领导的团体。Several sued the city, which then banned the student-led group that publicized the case.

法律诉讼发生在星期五,状告三星违法苹果的专利和商标。The lawsuit was filed on Friday and alleges Samsung violated Apple's patents and trademarks.

那时的甘地还非常害羞,即使在法官面前也不敢怎么讲话,却敢于状告铁路公司并且胜诉。Gandhi, until now too shy to even speak in front of a judge, sued the railroad company and won.

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众多的匿名信飞到了伦敦警察厅,全都是状告琼斯先生谋杀了自己妻子这一罪行的。Numerous anonymous letters poured into Scotland Yard all accusing Mr Jones of having murdered his wife.

2006年,广东省一名女性状告一家诊所使用有毒凝胶为她做隆胸手术,最后获得胜诉。In 2006, a woman in Guangdong province won a legal battlewith a clinic that used a toxic gel in her breast implants.

汤普森先生被监禁死囚区14年,在即将行刑的几个星期前状告地区检察官。Mr Thompson, who had spent 14 years on death row and was within weeks of being executed, sued the district-attorney.

早在1987年,“火箭人”歌手状告太阳小报后,公布虚假声称,他与男妓发生性行为。Back in 1987, the "Rocket Man" singer sued the Sun tabloid after it published false claims he had sex with male prostitutes.

现在她手头又是这样一桩案子,一位姓杨的老奶奶状告自己地养子张某。She is in hand again such a legal case now, Xing Yang's old grandmother's form tells he or she ground adopted son Zhang Mou.

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状告HTC可能只是拐着弯攻击Google的办法,但一旦有效的话,对这个搜索巨人也会是有力一击。Suing HTC may be a roundabout way to attack Google, but if successful, it would be a powerful blow against the search giant.

这个月在台北,一对老夫妻状告他们40岁的儿子,以图要回他们在10年前赠送给儿子的一套高档公寓。In Taipei this month, a couple sued their 40-year-old son for the return of the luxury apartment they’d given him a decade before.

去年该组织赢得了很少几次控告,状告百度其服务中为50首曲目提供了未授权的歌词。Last year the organization won a rare lawsuit against Baidu over the company’s providing unauthorized lyrics to 50 songs on its servers.

20岁的Yeater状告17岁的Bieber,声称他们洛杉矶演唱会后台发生关系,女子为其生下一孩子。Yeater, 20, filed a paternity suit against Bieber, 17, claiming that their backstage tryst at one of his L.A. concerts produced a child.

不过苹果不为所动,反而状告诺基亚公司此举是为了拖住其智能手机市场上竞争对手的后腿。Apple has so far refused to move and has accused Nokia of trying to make up for losses in smartphone market share by dragging down a competitor.

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作为回应,亚马逊直接状告纽约州违宪——联营企业,亚马逊认为,在该州构成成份很小。In response, Amazon sued New York over the law's constitutionality—marketing affiliates, Amazon argued, did not constitute a significant presence in the state.

六年前,唱片业状告这个文件分享服务行业的领头羊,纳普斯特败诉后只得关门大吉,之后再无东山再起。That shipwreck took place six yearsago, when the record industrysucceeded in shutting down the pioneeringfile-sharing service, and theyshow no signs of recovery.

Nvidia已就专利权问题向特拉华州法庭状告英特尔,称其竞争能力受到后者的压制.Graphics chip maker Nvidia is already in Delaware court with a patent dispute with Intel, and said its ability to compete is being squelched by the larger company.