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那个沙丘是大自然的鬼斧神工。That sand dune is a splendid work of nature.

大自然的鬼斧神工造化了灵山奇石。The nature's great power creates lingshan's spirit stones.

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在科学家的鬼斧神工下,机器人正逐步学会思考,它们将行动自如,与人类息息相关。Robots are being created that can think, act, and relate to humans.

您眼前看到的岩层和风景只能用‘鬼斧神工’来形容,”哈沙什说。You can see the rock formations and the sceneryis just gorgeous, " Hashash says.

万物瞬息变化,大自然鬼斧神工,到了秋天,叶子由绿色变成金黄。Things grow and change, nature will call, Leaves turn from green, to Gold in Fall.

我言“精雕细凿出徽州,鬼斧神工胜燕京”,那也是丝毫不夸张的。I say "small carved carved Huizhou, Yanjing wins gods", that is in no way exaggerated.

看过本片,你才真正了解地球地貌的鬼斧神工。Read the film, you really understand the Earths topography of the uncanny workmanship.

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一个无神论者一边在森林中散步一般欣赏着大自然的鬼斧神工。An atheist was taking a walk through the woods, admiring all that evolution had created.

朱自清散文语言的驾驭能力可以说达到了炉火纯青、鬼斧神工的地步。Zhu Ziqing prose can master it can be said has reached reached a pinnacle point of gods.

他的脸上蒙着白纱,遮住了鬼斧神工一般的容颜,一向。Receive white narrative on his face, block highly skillful general facial appearance, always.

自然的鬼斧神工一经艺术法则的破坏,马上就会变得糟糕和脆弱不堪。Works of nature are, they think, made worse and altogether feebler when wizened by the rules of art.

不用人工雕琢,千年古树的树根长成一个大佛字,真是鬼斧神工,举世罕见,绝无仅有。It is really amazing that the roots of a thousand-year-old tree would grow in the shape of a character.

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流线型如鬼斧神工般的外型,极速制动的引擎,和精致无比的内饰。He has the knife-cut like shape, the most advanced engine in the world, and incredible inner decoration.

想要大开眼界,一窥鬼斧神工的话,请拿起您的遥控器,转到国家地理频道。For an eye-opening look at man-made wonders, grab your remote and turn to the National Geographic Channel.

这些石头看上去像是有人精心雕琢出来的,其实,都是大自然鬼斧神工的杰作。These stones look like it was carefully crafted by the fact, are uncanny workmanship of nature's masterpieces.

史蒂夫•乔布斯是大自然鬼斧神工的产物,是个真正的偶像式人物,他的怪癖和他的产品一样为人瞩目。Steve Jobs is a force of nature, a truly iconic man whose quirks are nearly as famous as the products he sells.

感叹大自然是鬼斧神工,置身于神奇的曼妙图画中,心也为之祥和而宁静。Sigh Nature is uncanny workmanship that exposure to the marvelous magic picture, my heart was peaceful and tranquil.

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然而令人扫兴的是,大自然的鬼斧神工却在齐踝深的塑料垃圾和废纸中黯然失色。Their natural beauty had been hijacked by an extraordinary concentration of ankle-deep plastic and paper garbage on the ground.

国家公园之旅可以提供一个私密的空间,让你完全放松下来,慢慢地去熟悉眼前鬼斧神工般的自然资源。A getaway to a national park provides privacy, stressrelief, and the time to become acquainted with an important natural resource.

在这方寸之地,大自然的鬼斧神工任意雕琢挥洒,地球上各种景物在这里浓缩。In this confused place arbitrary nature of the uncanny workmanship carved sway the Earth, and all kinds of things here enrichment.