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人生是一种美,颂扬它。Life is beauty—praise it.

他作了一个颂扬性的演讲。He made a speech of panegyric.

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你的歌声只把爱情颂扬!And your song is love-love only!

这部影片颂扬了战争和暴力。The film glorifies war and violence.

这种愤懑却是其作者的颂扬。That anger is to its author’s credit.

这是一篇正式的颂扬性文章。This is a formal eulogistic composition.

在葬礼上这位已逝的妇人被人们颂扬。The dead woman was eulogized at the funeral.

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我纯洁的爱你,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。I love thee purely, as they trun from Praise.

阵亡的士兵被颂扬为英雄。The fallen soldiers were eulogized as heroes.

在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebels universe, death exalts injustice.

没有关系,我还是要把它提出来,并且要颂扬它。No matter, I do pronounce it. And I glorify it.

是贪婪的羞耻和毫无裨益的颂扬。Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.

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在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebel s universe, death exalts injustice.

是贪婪的羞耻,和无益的颂扬。Were an all-eating shame, and thriftless praise.

各报异口同声地对总统进行颂扬。The papers all chorused the praise of the president.

这种精神同样也是对生命的颂扬,对人类崇高精神的赞歌。It is an ode to life and a poem in praise of humanity.

在你面前,我不能颂扬旁人。I would never-never-praise anyone else with you around.

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去颂扬布利克式非人孤独的人物。In praise of Character in the Bleak inhuman Loneliness.

这颂扬声里婉言低语某些贬抑的主题东西。The subject of this eulogy murmured something deprecatory.

同时应该颂扬竹节资本主义更加广泛。And it should also celebrate bamboo capitalism more broadly.