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我都爬到山顶了。Climbed to the top.

香港山顶花园大厦。The Peak Garden, H. K.

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一座王宫建在山顶上。A palace crowns the hill.

寒风起霜降山顶。Peak wind from the frost.

我们在山顶野营。We tented on the hilltop.

山顶上薄雾环绕。Mist wreathed the hilltops.

说“我要试试”的小男孩会爬上山顶。Will climb to the hill-top.

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山顶上覆盖着白雪。He boarded the roof himself.

云笼罩着山顶。Clouds enshrouded the summit.

这个城堡座落在山顶上。The castle lies on a hilltop.

那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。The path zigzags up the hill.

小山顶上光秃秃的。The top of the hill was bare.

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索道的终点站在山顶。The cable terminal at the top.

飞机擦着山顶飞过。The plane grazed the hilltops.

山顶上有一座小庙。There they saw a small temple.

他们登上高山的山顶。They crested the high mountain.

云雾笼罩着山顶。Clouds involve the mountain top.

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我们于黎明时抵达山顶。We reached the mountaintop dawn.

山顶酒店。我能帮您吗?Hillcrest Hoter. Can I help you ?

在山顶上我们极目四望。I looked around on the top of it.