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他的眼珠热切地转动着。His eyes goggled with eagerness.

留意她眼珠里的图像。So, margin the reflection in her eye.

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他黑色的毒蛇眼珠紧盯在伯拉克身上。His black, ophidian eyes fixed on Burak.

从眼眶里抠出来的那眼珠。Those Eyeballs from their Sockets wrung.

或者像个没有眼珠的阴郁的娃娃,抱着忧伤。Or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll.

小子转了转眼珠,还是一动不动。The kid didn't move anything but his eyes.

它们飞向老虎的眼睛,不停地啄它地眼珠。They flew at its eyes and pecked and pecked.

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小眼珠似乎透着害怕,我自忖道。They looked like frightened beads, I thought

她的眼珠回滚,只能看见白色。Her eyes are rolled back, showing only WHITE.

阿曼达坐在屋里,转了转眼珠,长叹一声。Amanda sighedin her room, and rolled her eyes.

阿采尔个子很高,有一头乌黑的头发和一对乌黑的眼珠。Atzel was a tall boy with black hair and black eyes.

“这是个洞穴啊,”她在黑暗中转动着眼珠。“It’s a cave, ” she rolled her eyes in the darkness.

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但这时那黄眼珠的高个子插了进来。But here the long man with the yellow eyes struck in.

阴森森的眼珠不知道盯着什么地方。Darting, one never knows where, their tenebrous orbs.

你眼珠比女人的更明亮,但较少狡诈地乱转。An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling.

它们的眼珠滚动着,它们的金毛腿像干柴一般焦灼。Their eyeballs roll, their blond legs burn like brush.

轻蔑是无言,而且连眼珠也不转过去。Contempt is silent, and even the eyes do not turn over.

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罗杰眼珠滴溜一转“老兄,你太虚伪了。Roger rolls his eyes. “Dude, you're such a goody-goody.

我回头望着摄像机镜头,我眼珠溜溜地转着并冷笑着。And I return the camera’s gaze. I roll my eyes and sneer.

唯一能看见的,是两颗明而亮的眼珠。The only thing that can see, is two clear and bright eyes.