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还是左胳膊?。Or his left?

指向他的胳膊。Ponit to his arm.

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你扔雷的那胳膊怎么样?How's your throwing arm?

他摔了一跤,伤了胳膊。He fell and hurt his arm.

子弹击伤了他的胳膊。The shot wounded his arm.

她们挎着胳膊走了出去。They went off arm in arm.

她刚生下来就没有胳膊。She was born without arms.

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你怎么把胳膊摔断的?How did you break your arm?

我感到它刮擦着我的胳膊。I feel it scraping my arms.

她胳膊上挎着一只篮子。She had a basket on her arm.

抖抖你的胳膊和腿。Shake your arms and your legs.

然后转移到另外一个胳膊。Then move on to the other arm.

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乔治是四肢瘫痪。他不能移动他的胳膊或腿。He can't move his arms or legs.

我踢足球伤了我的胳膊。I hurt my arm playing football.

T-袋子的一只胳膊有问题。One of T-bag's arms was broken.

伸伸你的胳膊和腿。Stretch out your arms and legs.

你的胳膊需要照一个X光片子。You must have your arm X-rayed.

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他胳膊抽搐,胸口绞痛不已。His arm throbs. His chest hurts.

我有长长的胳膊、短短的腿。I have long arms but short legs.

长长的胳膊,短短的腿。It has long arms and short legs.