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格兰王的妻子,特利斯坦和简的生母。The wife of King Gran, and mother of Tristan and Jan.

至少,克拉普塞尔还有个生母在等他。At least Mr. Crapser has a birth mother waiting for him.

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她来纽约的目的就是希望能够找到生母。She realizes that pre-med is what her father wants her todo.

然后,我就带走了拉舍尔,拉舍尔不舍地睁大双眼,看着她的生母。Now I reach for Rachel. Rachel turns wide eyes to her mother.

两个月之后,他收到了答复,里面告知了他生母的姓名。A couple of months later it came and it included his birth mother's name.

他生母曾经说过他有的好运没有持续很久。The good fortune that his mother had once assured him of had not lasted long.

上周五,他找到了生母,当时她就在这家店的前台做现金出纳工作。He found her last Friday, working the cash register at the front of the store.

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的确,她现在还保有被尊称为格雷丘斯家族的生母柯涅丽亚的荣衔。It is true that she retains the honor of Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchuses.

生母是英国皇室成员的戴安娜出生于1961年7月1日,英国桑德林汉姆小镇附近。British royalty. Born Diana Spencer on July 1st, 1961, near Sandringham, England.

父子二人发现蒋元生母的墓碑竟遭人破坏。Father and son unexpectedly found that jiang yuan birth mothers tomb was destroyed.

乔布斯和辛普森在1986年见面,31岁后乔布斯和生母重聚。Jobs and Simpson first met in 1986, after 31-year-old Jobs reunited with his biological mother.

祖儿向天安求爱不遂,迁怒麻辣鸡,扬言要到加拿大找生母!Joey found in courting the cheonan, shoot a spicy chicken, threatened to find mother to Canada!

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奥巴马的生父是非洲人,生母是美国人,青春时代曾住在印度尼西亚。Mr. Obama, born to an African father and an merican mother, had lived in Indonesia in his youth.

我的生母是一个大学肄业生,也是一个年轻未婚妈妈,她决定让别人收养我。My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.

尽管几年后,乔布斯和生母逐渐有了联系,但他同詹达利的关系依旧疏远。While Jobs reconnected with Simpson in later years, he and his biological father remained estranged.

生母跟她的男人去了国外,她说,你不去,我也做不了你的主,反正对你也是仁至义尽了。Mother with her man went abroad, she says, you don't go, I can not do your Lord, but to you is enough.

女性不会有这个问题,因为她们知道自己就是孩子的生母。Women do not share this problem, since they know that they are the biological mothers of their children.

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当我渐渐长大,我知道了我的生母怀我的时候还很年轻,没有能力抚养我。As I was growing up, I learned that my birth mother was very young when she had me and wasn't able to care for me.

善英从姑姑那里听到仁顺晓得她是生母的事实,但是并不想找她的话后大受打击。Good English heard from aunt RenShun know she's birth mother facts, but don't want to find her words in shock after.

最后公安人员前往高州韦某夫妇家中,将男孩解救出来,交还其生母张琴艳。Public security personnel to Gaozhou Weimou last couple home, the boy rescued, returned to their mother Zhangqin Yan.