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雨水流下雨水管从我们的屋顶流到了地上。Rain runs down a spout from our roof to the ground.

过道路下的雨水管就近排入河道。Rainwater is outlet naturally by conduits to the nearby rivers.

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一个表演者用他的身体连接一幢建筑物的两根雨水管。A performer connects two rain pipes of a building with her body.

尽管这或许只是个雨水管,但近在咫尺的科林蒂尼港让这也无关紧要了。While it may have only been a storm sewer, it hardly mattered this close to the Kilindini Harbor.

工程师们建造了巨大的雨水管或下水道来把暴雨雨水排出去,但是这些设施会引起另一个问题。Engineers build huge storm pipes or sewers to carry the storm water away, but these cause another problem.

不能对其视而不见,也不能简单地花巨资修建雨水管道把它一排了之。We can not turn a blind eye to it, and can not simply spend much money in building rain-water pipes to row it.

雨水管100的垫层及现浇混凝土的尺寸该设置多少合理?Does the rainwater manage 100's bed courses and the dimensions depositing concrete now should interpose number reasonableness?

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通过径流面积计算模型实现了雨水管段汇水区的设计计算。Finally, on the basis of surface flow area calculation model, it realizes design and calculation for rainwater pipe catchment division.

埋地雨水管的埋没深度应在冰冻线以下,应考虑管线上部的荷载。Buried depth of rain water pipe should be buried in the frozen line, consideration should be given to the upper part of the load pipeline.

住宅小区原有的排水合流管保留用作雨水管,可节约大量的工程投资。It can save a great deal of engineering investment to reserve the original drainage confluence pipes in residential quarters and use them as drain pipes.

试验结果表明,采用透水铺盖面及渗透式雨水管道系统,对削减径流、补充地下水源有显著效果。The results indicate that the perforated pavement and perforated rainwater drainage pipe system reduce run off and replenish underground water remarkably.

落在屋面的雨水通过嵌在柱子中的雨水管流入地下储水罐中,收集而来的雨水用来灌溉植物。Rain water that pours down the rooftop is pulled into and underground water storage tank through the pipes embedded in the pillars being used cyclically for plants watering.

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管道工作包含消防管,冷凝水管,热水管,蒸汽管,热真空管,冷真空管,雨水管及城市水管。Piping service include fire protection piping, chilled process piping, hot water pipings, steam piping, hot vacuum piping, cold vacuum piping. drain water, city water piping etc.

目前,我国采用单一地表的平均径流系数计算雨水管渠的设计洪峰流量,这虽然使计算简化,但不尽合理。The designed flood peak flow in storm sewer is usually calculated by adopting a constant average runoff coefficient at present in China, simple as it is, it's not reasonable enough.

青岛流亭机场扩建工程为加强金属屋面雨水排水能力,采用虹吸雨水管技术。To strengthen the metal roofing rainwater flow capacity, the rainbow attracting technology processing of downspout is used in the Qingdao Liuting International Airport extension project.

城市化地区的排水系统不仅包括由市政雨水管网构成的市政排水系统,还包括原属农田排涝范畴的区域排涝系统。The drainage systems of urbanized area include the municipal drainage systems that consist of rain pipes and the hydrological drainage system that developed from the farm drainage system.

在将城市排水合流管改造为雨、污分流管道的过程中,如条件允许可将合流管局部或整体保留用做雨水管,再另外新建污水管道。During modifying urban combined sewer into separated sewers, the urban combined sewer can be locally or totally retained as storm sewer on favorable conditions and new wastewater sewer can be built.