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战后军人都遣散了。After the war the soldiers were demobilised.

这个团于战争结束时被遣散了。At the end of the war the regiment disbanded.

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战争结束时他们遣散了军队。They disbanded an army at the close of the war.

我们不接受安盟再无军队要遣散的说法。We do not accept that UNITA has no more troops to demobilize.

凯斯特伯格表示,该协议旨在遣散儿童兵。Kastberg says the agreement aims at demobilizing child soldiers.

如果一个公司计划裁员的话,肯定会有立即生效的遣散计划。When a company plans lay-offs it may have a severance plan in effect.

暂且不谈这集市财无亏密群遣散步不巍。But aside from these and the marts of wealth and the crowded promenade.

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编辑部被遣散,黄涛被关进了“牛棚”。The editorial department disbands , Huang Tao has been shut in the cowshed.

他要解雇杨致远,取消遣散计划,强迫雅虎出售给微软。He should fire Yang Zhiyuan, cancel demobilize to plan, force Yahoo to sell Microsoft.

他的家族属于一个有二、三百人的制灯笼者的行会,现在行会已被迫遣散。His family belonged to a fraternity of 200-300 lantern-makers, now forcibly dispersed.

我走出去遣散了众人,大家继续玩吧,没什么事,一个误会而已,误会而已。I go over all, we continue to play, nothing, a misunderstanding, the misunderstanding.

换句话说,整个金融大军正在遣散——不论年龄和职衔。An entire financial army, in other words, is being demobilised – of all ages and ranks.

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但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started.

警方责令摄影者删除照片,并进行批评教育将其遣散。They ordered photographers to delete all the photos and then released them after criticism.

他遣散姬妾仆从,在圣旨到来之前,就非常“及时”地郁郁而死了。He dispersed concubines and servants, “timely” died of grief before the proclamation arrived.

他对2001年5月至2002年1月期间被遣散的4,674名儿童兵的出路进行了研究。He looked at the outcomes of 4,674 child soldiers demobilized between May 2001 and January 2002.

查尔斯二世并没有驱逐中国的科学家,反而是中国的康熙皇帝遣散了欧洲的学者。Charles II didn't throw out Chinese scientists, but China's Emperor Kangxi did expel the Europeans.

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越来越多的人起先认识到教育不能随着毕业而遣散。An increasing number of people sttechnique to rewisize thmight educ is not complete with grlistingu.

在笑,叫喊和所有人愉快的声音之中,我感到失去,遣散由这样快乐的大气。Amid laughing , yelping and all human happy voice , i feel lost , dismissed by such joyful atmosphere.

怀着失去丘巴卡的巨大悲痛,汉意志消沉,靠酗酒来遣散伤痛。With the shock of losing Chewbacca hanging over his head, Solo spiraled into depression and alcoholism.