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我们知道了那个盲传教士。We have the blind preacher.

其他书名传教士汉学硏究。The study of missionary sinology.

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我的传教士屹立异国之疆场!My missionaries in a foreign field.

外国人可往中国派传教士吗?。Can foreign churches send missions to China?

传教士对着老师的茶杯说教.The preacher preached to the teacher’s teacup.

传教士市镇慷慨词。A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre.

传教士对著老师的茶杯说教。The preacher sermonized to the teacher's teacup.

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传教士每个星期都有协调会。Missionaries have correlation meeting every week.

传教士要伐树、犁田。The preacher had to fell trees and plough fields.

他在一出戏里扮演教师和传教士两个角色。He is doubling the part of a teacher and a missioner.

熊长老是传道部最有钱的传教士。Elder Hsiung is the richest missionary in the mission.

我的祖父在电视上看传教士传教。My grandfather listens to the preachers on television.

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中国纪念法国传教士向西方介绍大熊猫140周年。China to mark 140th anniversary of giant panda 'discovery'.

乔伊怎么老说扫烟囱和传教士?。Why does Joey keep talking about chimney sweeps and vicars?

传教士指责当地人崇拜偶像。The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images.

办公室的传教士向会长提议买部电脑。The office elders proposed to the president to buy a computer.

也就是说教会应该供养传教士。That is,churches should support the preachers and missionaries.

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传教士们打算去教化非洲的野蛮部落。The missionaries intended to civilize the wild tribes of Africa.

有时,他会带我们到一个欧洲传教士家里去。He would sometimes take me along to a European missionary's house.

1814年,捕海豹者、捕鲸者和基督教传教士同行来到这。Sealers and whales followed, and, in 1814, Christian missionaries.