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这些泵的声音被记录在与套袖相连的表上。These pumping sounds register on a gauge attached to the cuff.

这件上衣采用了套袖,并且在裁剪上给予背部宽松的空间。The coat has raglan sleeves, and is cut to give fullness at the back.

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这种缠绕在上臂的套袖膨胀时可使动脉里的血流停止。The cuff is wrapped around your upper arm and inflated to stop the flow of blood in your artery.

当套袖慢慢膨胀时,医生用听诊器听血泵入动脉的过程。As the cuff is slowly deflated, your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the blood pumping through the artery.

介绍了套袖式微孔曝气器的充氧性能及研制过程。The oxygen transfer performance and construction of perforated membrane tube diffuser have been presented in this paper.

在改革开放以前,一套时髦的套装意味着在国有工厂的一个标签,招摇地缝在套袖上。Before the economy opened up, a chic suit meant one with the label of a state-owned factory sewn ostentatiously on the sleeve.

为了测量血压,医生会使用一种叫“血压计”的工具,更通常指一种套袖式血压表。To measure blood pressure, your doctor uses an instrument call a "sphygmomanometer, " more often referred to as a blood pressure cuff.

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老头回来了,他戴着蓝色围裙、套袖,屋里屋外乐呵呵地忙活着,不时还抽空和老太说上一二句我听不懂的方言。The old man comes back, he is wearing a blue skirt, sleeve, house happily busy, sometimes also found time and she said one or two words I don't understand the dialect.

方法对三套袖法的修肝技术及套管制作进行改进,实施大鼠原位肝移植30例,采用改进的缝合法实施大鼠原位肝移植70例。Methods OLT was performed in 30 rats using the improved three-cuff method of modulation of donor's liver end modified cuffs and in 70 rats using modified suture method.

戴维表示,未来的“铁甲套袖”将包含化学传感器、可帮助海外士兵交流的电子译码器以及适合机场安检的生物识别读卡器。David said that the future of the "armored sleeves" will include chemical sensors, can help the soldiers overseas and the exchange of electronic decoder for airport security biometric reader.

结论脱髓鞘所致的多灶性疏松改变、淋巴细胞的套袖状分布和巨噬细胞的弥漫分布是其基本特点。Conclusions Demyelinating pseudotumor is characterized by perivascular lymphocytes and diffusely distributed macrophages, while the lesion is usually observed with a texture of areosis change.