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她边说边比画着。When she said she gestured.

更是一个比画面的一首诗。It is more a picture than a poem.

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警察比画着叫我们停下来。The policeman gestured for us to stop.

大牛,你们俩还在比画什么呢?What are you gesturing about with him?

那天在学校,艾比画了一只大象。At school that day, Abby drew an elephant.

她,是一个酒友比画友多的艺术家。She, have more wine friend than the artist.

他比画着讲。He made himself understood with the help of gestures.

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英语老师讲课时爱比画。The English teacher likes making gestures when he is teaching.

你的留言比画或者纯粹的文字都漂亮。Your words leaved are beautiful more than a picture or just words.

我画汽车的能力比画火车,还要差。My ability to draw cars is even worse than my ability to draw trains.

安妮得为她阅读所有的书籍,并在她手里比画单词。Annie had to read all the books for Helen and trace the words into her hand.

但没有一种视觉设计方法比画草图更能策划多种视觉方案。There is no quicker method for exploring multiple visual solutions than sketching though.

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两个藏族大姐比画着,意思想坐坐001到前面去,我挥挥手让她们上来。Two elder Tibetan sisters wanted a ride on NO. 001 car, and I waved my hand to let them in.

我女儿正在化妆,那过程可能比画金门大桥需要的时间更长。My daughter is putting on her makeup, a process which can take longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge.

广告没有一个是真的,千万不要相信其中的外立面颜色,很多造出来比画的难看多了。No advertising is true, do not believe the color of one of the facades, many of them made more ugly gesture.

广告没有一个是真的,千万别相信其中的外立面颜色,很多造出来比画的难看多了。ads really none of them are, but you should never believe the color of the facades, many of the ugly gesture made by a lot.

徒手画像科罗拉多州和犹他州这样直线的州比画那些锯齿状外观的州容易多了。Maps of rectilinear states like Colorado and Utah are much easier to draw freehand than those of states with jagged outlines.

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你那一瞥,像一股晶莹的泉水流注在我的心头,它比诗还深远,比画还优美,恰如我生命中一个新世纪的起点。Your glance like glittering fountain lingers in my heart, more profound than poetry, more elegant than painting, making the start of a new era for me.

对于一个真正有创造性的画家来说,没有什么比画一支玫瑰更难的了。因为,在画这支玫瑰以前,必须首先忘记原来画过的所有玫瑰。There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.

对一位真正有创作力的画家,没什么比画一朵玫瑰更难。因为在画之前,他得把先前所有画过的玫瑰忘掉。There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before be can do so, he has first to forget all the roses that were before painted.