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高丽参可以用种子或根部种植。Ginseng can be grown fromseeds or roots.

俺们那嘎特产高丽参。Round here, our specialty is Korean ginseng.

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模拟野生养殖的高丽参在夏天种植。Wild-simulated ginseng is planted in the fall.

高丽参需要一个没有太多阳光的地方。Ginseng needs a place where it will not get much sunshine.

种植者可以在春天高丽参发芽之前种植。Growers can plant the roots during spring before they developbugsbuds.

种植者可以在春天高丽参根部发芽之前种植。Growers can pled plant the roots during spring before they developed develop buds.

同时也含有高丽参和刺五加带来额外草本能量补充。It also features Korean ginseng and eleuthero for additional herbal energy support.

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一家生产罐装茶叶的公司出售一种流行的高丽参蜂蜜绿茶。For example, one company that makes bottles of tea sells a popular green tea with ginseng and honey.

利用均匀设计法优化了高丽参多糖的提取过程。Uniform Design was used to optimize the effects of processing parameters for extraction of polysaccharides from ginseng.

马里兰大学合作研究所解释森林所有者可以用两种不同的方式种植高丽参。The University of Maryland Cooperative Extension explains that forest landowners can grow ginseng using two different methods.

美国高丽参自然地生长在许多东部地区的森林中。不过,野生群体由于过度收割已经减少了。American ginseng grows naturally in forests in many eastern states. But wild populations have been reduced by too much harvesting.

另外,值得注意的还有近年曾报道3例服高丽参的中毒者,其中1例经抢救无效而死亡。In addition, there are notable service in recent years has reported 3 cases of poisoning ginseng, of which 1 case was died a death.

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当他们谈起向酒里加入其他物质,如牛磺酸、葡萄糖和高丽参时,我曾一直认为这是一项营销事件。"I always thought that it was a marketing thing when they mention the other things they put in like taurine, glucose and ginseng," she says.

本品是用科学方法提取高丽参须有效成份,辅以葡萄糖、乳糖精制而成。This product is finely made by extracting the effective ingredients from the Korean ginseng, then supplementing by glucose, lactose through scientific methods.

在佐利克位于蒙特利尔的公寓里,他们开始了用各种饮料做实验,将巴西尼在旅途中发现的高丽参、果拉娜等植物性成分混合在一起。They began experimenting with drinks in Mr. Jolicoeur's Montreal apartment, mixing in botanical ingredients, like ginseng and guarana , that Mr. Bazinet had discovered during his travels.