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习惯已经支使了你。the habit has got you.

他们支使他清洗汽车。They made him wash the car.

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他们支使他清洗汽车。They make him wash the car.

约翰逊先生现在听我支使了。Mr Johnson is now under my feet.

他就喜欢支使别人。He gets his kicks bossing people around.

我想你没有权利支使我干这干那的。I think you have got no right to order me about.

怀特太太习惯于支使她的丈夫。Mrs. White is used to ordering about her husband.

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很明显,他习惯了支使人。It was obvious he was used to ordering people around.

玛丽仗势支使她的弟弟替她跑腿。Mary bullies her little brother into running errands for her.

说实在的,杰克不愿意让人支使来支使去的。To tell the truth, Jack doesn't like to be ordered to do this and that.

这些活计,她总是一声不响地去干,没有谁支使她。These things she did without a word and without being commanded to do them.

当人家把你的服事当作理所当然、支使你、把你当作下人看待时,你作何反应?How do you react when you're taken for granted, bossed around, or treated as an inferior?

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上述两个代码片断都能够取出用户被支使的使命列表。Both code snippets will retrieve the tasks where the assignee currently is the given user.

我记得一个男人不断地支使我为他拿食物,并提出超范围的服务要求,非常吹毛求疵。I remember one man who kept ordering me to get his food and demanding things we did not serve.

横竖有人服待你,再不必支使我,我仍旧服侍老太太去。You don't really need my services. I shall back to serving Her Old Ladyship, like I used before.'

我猜这家伙要么是屁股底下抹了胶粘在驾驶座上动不了,要么就是酷爱支使人,又也许两者兼有。This guy either had a layer of super glue between his butt and the front seat, or he enjoyed giving orders, or both.

把他们从讨厌战争的话题支使开以后,她便饶有兴趣地回到他们当前的环境上来。Having maneuvered them away from the boring subject of war, she went back with interest to their immediate situation.

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我记得一个男人不断地支使我为他拿食物,并提出超范围的服务要求,非常吹毛求疵。I remember one man who kept ordering me to get his food and demanding things we did not serve. He was also very critical.

她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,支使她去做所有的家务事。After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her. Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.