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杰德对马了如指掌。Jed knew all about horse.

我们真的对自己了如指掌吗?But do we know really know ourselves?

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难道大自然的奥秘都已了如指掌?Are the secrets of nature all mastered?

她对这所大学了如指掌。She has this university at her fingertips.

他看来对那个地区了如指掌。“He seems to know the area pretty well.”“Oh.

蟾宫的里里外外,每一寸地方,我都了如指掌。I know every inch of Toad Hall, inside and out.

朋友对互相间的优缺点了如指掌。Friends know well each other's strength and weaknesses.

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但是不要表现出你对这个公司的一切都了如指掌。But don't act as if you know everything about the place.

分析员应该对这些东西了如指掌Ultimately, analysts are supposed to keep track of this.

你对你的行业里的任何事情都了如指掌吗?Can you know everything going on in your field or industry?

他对这个机构的底细了如指掌。He knows the ins and outs of this organization like a book.

因为住得比较近,她对我的生活了如指掌。Because live relatively close, and she well aware of my life.

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他对这一带的地形了如指掌。He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.

也许人们对中俄战略关系并不了如指掌。Maybe people aren't well informed about the Russia-China strategic ties.

如果她没有接纳我的一些习惯,我也不会对她的习惯了如指掌。I didn't get to know hermine. She oftentimes knows what I'm going to say.

金庸小说中著名的角色我全了如指掌。I'm very familiar with all the well-known characters from Jin Yong's novels.

罗伯特精通业务,并对所有情况了如指掌。Robert knows his business very well and has all the facts at his fingertips.

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SNS的技术创始人对云计算可谓了如指掌。The technical co-founder of SNS understands cloud computing from inside out.

他才九岁,但是,对做东西,提姆是了如指掌。He was just nine years old but Tim knew a thing or two about building things.

詹姆斯。费森对农场上的事了如指掌,这也算得上是家族传统了。James Faison knows something about life on the farm, it's a family tradition.