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农夫继续不动声色地给牛驾轭。The farmer continued solidly yoking his oxen.

杜洛埃坐立不安了,赫斯渥却一点不动声色。Drouet fidgeted. Hurstwood moved his toe the least bit.

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我不动声色的慢慢的向门的方向移动。I still slowly to the door to move in the direction of.

提供全方位服务的航空公司可以不动声色多久?How long can the full service airlines hold their breath?

“行了,”不动声色的主人说,“关上吧!”"Good, " said the imperturbable master. "Close them again. "

“那就喝吧,”他回答着,依然冷酷如前,不动声色。"Drink, then," replied he, still with the same cold composure.

“那就喝吧,”他回答着,依然冷酷如前,不动声色。"Drink, then, " replied he, still with the same cold composure.

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他似乎对我的吹牛感兴趣,但不动声色,所以我还是不知道他的底细。He seemed interested in a quiet sort of way, but it was no good.

这时乔布斯不动声色地将身上带的一瓶冷水分给了盖茨。Jobs merely handed Gates a cold bottle of water he was carrying.

人们往往不动声色地坐在那里,瞧着这位瘦小的提琴手闹腾一番。Too often people sat stolidly watching the noisy little fiddler.

弃妇所要做的就是应该不动声色,继续生活。Wives should do is to stay calm and collected and continue to live.

他和安德里森不动声色地把Skype的30名高层管理人员换掉了29名。He and Andreessen quietly changed out 29 of Skype's 30 top managers.

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奥列芬特在此不动声色地暗示,伯尔顿是个思想狭隘的狂热分子。Oliphant is quietly suggesting that Bolton is a narrow-minded zealot.

平面的色块在空间内进退自如,不动声色地呈现其深度。Flat colors move freely in the space, presenting its profundity quietly.

普鲁士人,表面上不动声色,但这会持续多久?The Prussians, apparently, are content to sit and wait, but for how long?

珠光不动声色地说了声“柳绿树红”。The pearly luster said calmly the sound "the willow tree greenery is red".

那盘青豌豆端到华盛顿桌上。希基站在一旁,不动声色。Hickey stood silently when the dish of green peas was served to Washington.

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辛克莱审视着那张不动声色的精明的脸庞,试图寻找任何冷嘲的迹象,但是却什么都没发现。Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.

一个人不动声色的说他大概是摔断了脖子,这引起了一片笑声。One of the players deadpans that it might be a broken neck and there is laughter.

约?埃里克?汉弗莱不动声色地站在指挥台上,等着反对的喧嚣声消退。J?Eric Humphrey stood impassively, waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside.