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它们是相容的They're compatible.

它们是不相容的They're incompatible.

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水与火不相容。Fire and water do not agree.

水火不相容。Fire and water repel each other.

健康和酗酒不能相容。Health does not consist with intemperance.

我们一直像猫狗一样互不相容,争斗不休。We fought like cat and dog the whole time.

与井筒化学材料相容。Chemical materials and wellbore compatible.

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因此,这一观点被称为相容主义Hence, this view is known as compatibilism.

赫维茨的伟大观点被称为“激励相容”。His big idea was " incentive compatibility".

他们毫不相容。They are utterly incompatible with each other.

神的主权和人的自由能相容吗?How can God be sovereign and man still be free?

锌液与冷却管是不相容的。Liquid Zinc is not compatible with cooling pipe.

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资历和伟大的想法是不相容的。Qualifications and great ideas are incompatible.

这两种分子都与铁盐不相容。Both molecules are incompatible with ferric salts.

康德哲学与生态女性主义是否相容?Is Kant's philosophy compatible with ecofeminism ?

宗教信仰并非一定就与科学水火不相容。Religious viewpoints need not conflict with science.

这种观点认为这两个东西是不相容的It's the view that these two things are incompatible.

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丛集信箱伺服器物件与目标电脑的版本不相容。The version of ' is inconsistent with the version of '.

那个教会的牧师说,伊斯兰教和基督教是不相容的。Its pastor says Islam and Christianity are incompatible.

这与分解性标准不相容。This is incompatible with the decomposability criterion.