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打开,里面是一颗赤红的药丸。Open, the inside is a red and red pill.

打开,里面是一颗赤红的药丸。Open, the inside is a ruddy and ruddy pill.

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那一地的赤红,如血,美丽,妖艳。That a red, like blood, beautiful, flirtatious.

珍妮走上前,伸出她的手,面色赤红。Jennie came forward , extending her hand and blushing.

这种效应也叫做“亚洲面红”或者“亚洲赤红”。The reaction is also known as "Asian flush" or "Asian glow.

他面如狮子,脸色赤红,眼冒火焰。His Face is like that of a Lion, very Red, and having Flaming Eyes.

今年我将我的赤红霞葡萄品种留在葡萄藤上以便使其质量达到平常的高水平。I left my Cabernet on the vine this year to get the quality up to par.

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磷酸铁是赤红壤的潜在磷源之一。Ferric phosphate is one of the potentially phosphorous source in lateritic soils.

一块失效的命石让赤红之风长驱直入,三千人在夜影镇失去了生命。Three thousand died in the town of Nightshade when a lifestone let in the red wind.

自然土壤有赤红壤、石质土、滨海沙土、盐渍沼泽土等。There are natural red soil, rocky soil, coastal sand, swamp soil salinization , and so on.

这通体赤红、分外夺目的辣椒是湖南人热情的象征。This huge hot pepper, splendidly red all round is the symbol of the enthusiasm of Hunan People.

太阳,灰尘弥漫中的赤红的圆球,透过他的黑外衣烘烤着他的背脊,令人难以忍受。The sun, a red ball through the dust, baked and scorched his back intolerably in his black coat.

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斯基夫米勒询问道,额头低垂,固执的情绪令他血气上涌,满面赤红。Skiff Miller demanded, his brows lowering and an obstinate flush of blood reddening his forehead.

其中又以赤红壤和黄壤的酸化比红壤和黄棕壤明显。Lateritic red soil and yellow soil were more evidently acidified than red soil and yellow brown soil.

激光毛发摘除的副作用包括术后起水泡,色变,膨胀,赤红和结疤。Side effects of laser hair removal can include blistering, discoloration after treatment, swelling, redness, and scarring.

再过一段时间赤红大厅也会开放,玩家将可以和血王子们、鲜血女王Lana'thel作战。After another period of time, the Crimson Hall will open and you can then fight the Blood Princes and Blood-Queen Lana'thel.

海南地处热带,地带性土壤有砖红壤、燥红土和山地赤红壤、山地黄壤等。The zonal soils of Hainan province comprises with laterite, savanna soil, mountain lateritic red earth, mountain yellow earth, etc.

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对华南赤红壤丘陵坡地不同侵蚀部位土壤养分和微生物特性的变异性进行了对比分析。The variation of soil nutrient and microbe on different erosion position of hilly Slope in the latosolic red soil region were studied.

赤红壤中添加DCD在同一培养时间均能显著降低土壤较高的铵态氮含量,提高硝态氮含量。The results indicated that adding DCD significantly increased ammonium content and decreased nitrate nitrogen content at the same time.

主要地带性土壤为砖红壤,同时还有赤红壤、燥红壤、滨海盐土和水稻土等。The latosol dominates this zone, but as an exception, there are also lateritic red soil, paddy soil, coastal solonchak and dry red soil.