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和谐的生活。Live harmoniously.

这是个和谐音Here is a consonance.

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这是个不和谐音Here is a dissonance.

我爱新校园的和谐。I love the new campus harmony.

和谐已经让位给了不和谐。Harmony has yielded to discord.

和谐是爱情之母。Congruity is the mother of love.

身体和谐且恢复健康…The body is harmonised and healed.

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五洲同唱和谐之声。Five continents sing the same song.

直升机将在和谐世界时0910时抵达。Helicopter will arrive at 0910 UTC.

所以,我下载了和谐版So, I downloaded the clean version.

瑜珈对你的生活和谐有帮助吗?Does Yoga help you find life balance?

安保人员和和谐之钟。Security guard with the Harmony Bell.

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下面的游客发出不和谐的嗡嗡声。The discordant hum of tourists below.

这就造成了冲突和不和谐。This creates conflict and disharmony.

和谐,美好的家园需要我们的共同努力!Good News, but we still need to track.

这样呢,和谐还是不和谐?What about that?Consonant or dissonant?

海神罗普顿管辖着健康和和谐统一。Neptune rules the health and work-front.

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我们的新校园斑斓、和谐。Our new campus beautiful and harmonious.

我们也许会使和谐幸福的一对。We would make beautifull music together.

然后所有事情都将会像元神归位一般的和谐。And everything else will fall into place.