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对,奇巧威化,大家猜对了,再来一个Okay. Kit-Kat bar, you're right and one more.

石头里只有奇巧的“小脚”石派上了用处。Only “delicate” Small-Foot rocks were arrayed.

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又拿出一块,这块重峦叠嶂,比前一块奇巧许多。It took one, the peaks, than before a lot of kit kat.

上周,雀巢首次在巴西推出了奇巧。This past week, it launched KitKat in Brazil for the first time.

我苦苦哀求把这军舰借给我,好让我去给我所爱慕的里努看看,来展示它的奇巧。I would beg hard for the loan of this to display its marvels to the admiring Lenu.

精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

这款清酒口味的奇巧可以说能在日本找到的奇巧口味里是最怪的。Of all the odd Kit Kat flavors you can find in Japan this is a contender for the weirdest.

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即使是在自己杂志上大力吹捧更奇巧的服装设计风潮的时装编辑,也尊敬桑德这位时装设计大师。Even fashion editors who tout couture's more fanciful currents on the pages of their magazines venerate Sander.

专业出产各样化妆镜子、保健梳、奇巧相框、造像独特笔筒、山水人物、诗词歌赋挂画等竹制工艺品。The specialized production vanity mirror, picture frame, pen container, bamboo handicrafts and so on hanging scroll.

中国地毯以其赏心悦目的图案,精细奇巧的工艺和齐全的规格而闻名于世。Chinese carpets are celebrated for their gorgeous designs, exquisite craftsmanship, and full range of specifications.

女扮男装作为一种戏剧反讽的艺术手法,对拓展戏剧情节、深化作品主题发挥着讽喻奇巧、举足轻重的作用。This artistic skill of dramatic irony plays an important role in developing the dramatic plot, and deepening the theme.

现如今,这些奇巧的小工具都被收藏在国际间谍博物馆,它是世界上少数几个展示间谍相关物品的博物馆之一。The broadest collection of these gadgets can be found at The International Spy Museum, one of a few spy museums in the world.

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有一只奇巧的台盆,当盆里装满水时,脸盆会倾斜过来,把水溢出到底下的马桶里去。There was an artful configuration of a sink that, when filled, could be tipped up so that its contents would spill into the toilet below.

本文旨在分析雀巢奇巧的广告公司,它是世界上最大的巧克力公司。This paper aims to analyze the Kitkat advertisement made by Nestle Company, which is one of the largest chocolate companies in the world.

南宋辞赋创作风格上多表现为情感的细腻、深婉,理趣的悠长以及构思的新颖奇巧。The style of Cifu in South Song dynasty had displayed subtlety and fineness in feeling, taste of senses and freshness of skill conception.

我弯腰捧起了雀巢奇巧音乐礼盒,将小人拿开,音乐就停下了,我再将小人放上去,祝福的歌声又响了起来。I bent down to lift the Nestle Kit Kat music box will be little away on the music stopped, and then I let go bad , blessings and songs rang.

雀巢生产的奇巧巧克力棒也发现含有百万分之2.89三聚氰胺,使得在首尔检测出含有三聚氰胺的产品超过10种。Kit Kat bars from Nestle were also found carrying 2.89 ppm of melamine, bringing the total number of melamine-detected items to 10 in Seoul.

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民间美术作品制作构思奇巧、想象大胆而夸张,这与当代艺术思维形式恰恰有着许多的相通性。The folk art works are skillfully constructed and imagined exaggeratedly, which is closely connected with the art form of thinking up-to-date.

但是你知道吗?当你听到某个人正在努力要发明一种奇巧的装置来从空气中去除坏的物质。But you know what? When you hear about somebody going up and figuring out some sort of contraption to get the the the bad stuff out of the air.

我只想告诉恋爱中的朋友,如果你给心爱的人送了雀巢奇巧音乐礼盒,请一定要将爱情表白放在音乐前面。I just want to tell the love of friends, if you love to the people who gave Nestle Kit Kat music box, be sure to express love on the music front.