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那辆汽车大白天被人偷走了。The car was stolen in broad daylight.

这大白天的你怎么净说梦话呀?Are you dreaming in the broad day light?

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她的手提包在大白天里给人抢去了。She had her handbag robbed in the daytime.

大白天的穿越监狱逃跑?。Scurrying across the fld in the middle of the day?

那天,大白天他便回了家。He had returned home while it was still broad daylight.

至于窗帘嘛,自然是在大白天也拉着的。The curtains, naturally, are closed against the daylight.

还是大白天,但所有汽车的前灯都亮起来了。It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on.

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这里即便是大白天也会有抢劫发生,很多人都遭遇过了,其中也包括我在内。Many people have been mugged down in broad daylight, including me.

他们在大白天乘坐黑鹰直升机飞入了摩加迪沙。They flew into Mogadishu in Black Hawk helicopters in broad daylight.

你到底要什么,疯婆子?大白天的,才下午4点。What do you need that for , madwoman ? broad daylight , midday , 4 p. m.

在大白天里,前一天夜里发生的事情就像噩梦般令人难以置信。In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream.

而且你可能不得以大白天停在半路,去某处充电。And you'd probably have to stop halfway through the day to plug in somewhere.

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我和我的妻子无论是在床上还是在大白天都比以前更加亲密。My wife and I are closer than we have been for years, in bed and throughout the day.

朱先生的妻子是一名HIV感染者,大白天陪着一个记者走进双庙村让他觉得有些紧张。Mr Zhu, whose wife has HIV, is uneasy about escorting a journalist in broad daylight.

现在是大白天。他在这公园做什么。噢,也许他经营自己的公司!It's the middle of the day. What's he doing at this park? Ooooh, maybe he runs his own business!

因此他经常带着他的鹿群在夜间,在黎明和黄昏,甚至在大白天里迁移。So he moved his herd constantly, during the night, at dawn and dusk, and even in broad daylight.

你似乎的确是想要把“对真相能够大白天下和被人所认可的渴望”与“仇恨”混为一谈。You really do seem to be confusing a desire for the truth to be known and acknowledged with hatred.

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我打仗没经验,可还没嫩到象只夜猫子,大白天站在光秃秃的湖滩地上,让人用枪打死。I'm young in war, but not so young as to stand on an open beach to be shot down like an owl, by daylight.

然后你就可以看到一阵阵的地方兴趣,像大白天成群结队的游客们在给狂拍派对照片的醉鬼们让路。Then you could see waves of local interest, as the daytime tourist hordes give way to drunk people snapping party pictures.

董宣担任洛阳令后,湖阳公主的奴仆在大白天杀了人,然后躲藏在公主家里。Dong Xuan as Luoyang Order, the Lake Sun Princess servant killed a man in broad daylight, and then hiding the princess home.