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中药比西药更天然、更好。It’s more natural and better than western medicines.

东方医学的工作是否也随着西药?Does Oriental medicine work well along with Western medicine?

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西医目前尚不能根治,且西药毒副作用大,易复发,易反弹。Up to now, RA can not be rooted out with the Western Medicine.

治疗组36例,对照组38例,两组患者均采用西药综合对症治疗。There were 36 cases in treatment and 38 cases in control group.

西药采用胰酶和碳酸氢钠口服。Western medicine used pancreatin and sodium bicarbonate orally.

我的花粉热在没有用西药的情况下得到控制。My hayfever is under control without over the counter medicines.

西药组口服西药弥可保。The western medicine set takes orally the western medicine Methycobal.

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外洗组以外洗通络方外洗,西药组采用腺苷钴胺肌注。The control group was treated with intramuscular injection of Cobamamide.

大量的西药都在置于手边左下角。The vast majority of western medicine is down in this bottom left hand corner.

但是要反对在自制中药胶囊中加入西药。But to oppose the addition of Western-made traditional Chinese medicine capsules.

甚至可能对某些单用西药不能解决的疾病。Even possibly to certain only uses disease which the western medicine cannot solve.

药物的相互作用不仅仅存在与中药中,也发生在一些西药中。Interations donot only exist in herbal remedies but also happens in other medicines.

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西药对照组仅服用氨苯砜和维胺脂胶囊。The western medicine control group was treated only with DDS and viaminate capsules.

中药针剂归类为西药或中成药?Is injection classify Chinese traditional medicine Western medicine or in officinal ?

我可能漏看,我从来未看过有关西药的问题。May be I missed, I have never seen any such program for problems of western medicine.

结论中医辨证施治配合西药阿昔洛韦治疗带状疱疹疗效较好。Conclusion Combination TCM with Acyclovir has a good clinical effect on herpes zoster.

观察针刺和西药对苯引起白细胞减少症的影响。To observe the influence of acupuncture and western medicine on benzene induced leukopenia.

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与单纯西药组比较,治疗组总有效率和完全缓解率均明显优于对照组。The treatment groups all effect rate and recuperating rate are superior to the control group.

警惕药物不论中药还是西药,都有一些会伤肾,所以要提高警惕。Drug drug either Chinese or western medicine, there are some cause kidney damage, so be vigilant.

结论中医以疏肝养阴法治疗较促进胃肠动力西药疗效更好。Conclusion liver-discharging and yin-enriching therapy is quite effective for irritable bowel syndrome.