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不要盲从于你周围的人。Don't aimlessly listen to those around you.

对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。It is silly to is a slave to social convention.

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你说的对。她们只是在盲从。You're right. They are just follwing like sheep.

小天是个有批判思维的、不盲从的人。Albert has critical thinking and will not be slavish.

巴克利不盲从历史,甚至指引发展的方向。Buckley ended up riding history, and even guiding it.

社会媒体的支持者对这种盲从的小插曲并不反对。Social media backers take that ignominious episode in stride.

他没有盲从别人的信仰,这是值得敬佩的。He didn't live off other people's faith, and that is admirable.

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不盲从是取长补短,择善而从。Is not blind obedience is each other, and accepting good advice.

心理原因指盲从与侥幸心理使然。The psychological cause refers to the sequacious and the fluke mind.

盲从大众,神化大众,一直是鲁迅所警惕的。Mr Luxun had been alert to obeying the public and deifying the public.

它拒绝盲从权威,无论是宗教的还是政治的。It rejected blind obedience to authority, whether religious or political.

盲从和狂热使他们陷入目前的困境。Blind faith and impetuosity have led them into their present difficulties.

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宗教人士倾向于更狭隘、盲从和不通人情。Religious people tend to be the most bigoted and non-accepting people on earth.

青少年偏差行为具有突发性、模仿性、易变性和盲从性等特点。It is of unexpectedness, imitativeness, changeableness and it is just blindly following.

例如,在一个封闭的、具有宗教狂热的社会中,受众往往具有很大的盲从性。For example, in a closed society with a fever of region, the audiences usually follow blindly.

不要做一个盲从得人因为这样只会浪费你的生命,而他人会对的人生指手划脚。Don’t be a jerk because it doesn’t pay but live your life. Or others will try to live it for you.

换句话说就是不要在没有想清楚之前盲从一个目标,不要在情绪上感到难过。In other words, don't get swooped up emotionally and commit to a goal without thinking it through

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清楚知道自己要的是什麽,不盲从群众,这也是郁琳的父母所希望的。Making up her own mind and not just following the crowd, is what Yulin's parents want for their daughter.

有时你就是不能盲从,“跳上乐队彩车”。你必须知道“彩车”是到那里去。Sometimes you just can't go with the flow and jump on the bandwagon . You have to know what the wagon is.

市面上关于饮食的书的数量日益膨胀,人们很容易就盲从最新潮流的饮食方法。With the ever-expanding library of diet books on the market it’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends.