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我还有一支冲锋枪。I also had a SMG.

一人一挺冲锋枪。Each with a tommy-gun.

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“汤普森冲锋枪”。“The Thompson submachine gun”.

我把以色列制造的乌齐冲锋枪卖给穆斯林。I sold Israeli-made Uzis to Muslims.

没有任何一个真警察会用那种大小的冲锋枪。No REAL cop would have an Uzi that size.

冲锋枪已经打光了他的子弹了,但是他的队友在做什么?UZI gun has no bullets, and his teammates doing?

其余的人都在战壕里用轻机枪和冲锋枪射击。The rest were in trenches with light MG and SMGs.

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你问我在连队里我们用什么型号的冲锋枪。You asked me what type of SMG we used in our company.

他们戴着滑雪面具,携带手枪和冲锋枪。They wear ski masks and carry pistols and machine guns.

这就是为什么针对卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪时很难浪漫起来。That's why it is hard to be romantic about a Kalashnikov.

它与现代微型冲锋枪特点很们!It and modern miniature submachinegun characteristic very!

一根冲锋枪枪管将胡渣男翻身到背面。The barrel of a rifle ROLLS the Bearded Man onto his back.

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死者主要是在漂流池或慢冲锋枪。Dead drifting is used primarily in pools or slower riffles.

伦敦设计博物馆刚刚获得一个卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪。Kalashnikov has just been acquired by London's Design Museum.

我想可能是在冲锋枪连服役的缘故我才在战争中幸存了下来。I think that being with the SMG-company saved me during the war.

随机枪械组合,包含冲锋枪,散弹枪和手枪。Random Submachine Gun, Shotgun, and Pistol at beginning of round.

所以,在这里我第一次领到了冲锋枪代替了以前的步枪。So, instead of a rifle I received a submachinegun for the first time.

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他的冲锋枪吐出一条火蛇为队伍开辟了道路。Bursts of fire from his sub-machine-gun opened up a path for the army.

据称,持枪者是一名携带冲锋枪的白人男子。The gunman has been described as a white man armed with a submachinegun.

卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.