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男女老少齐上阵。Men and women, old and young, all pitched into the work.

男女老少你来种,我来偷,忙得不亦乐乎。Kinds of men and women you come, I come to steal is too busy.

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男女老少进行彩灯比赛和猜灯谜比赛。Young and old compete in lantern contests and 1 competitions.

无业者可做主业。上班者可赚外快,一家男女老少都可生产。Those who work earn extra money, a young and old can be produced.

在坂村,男女老少在国营平价粮店外排队等候着。Men and women lined up at the Fair Price Shop in the village of Ban.

会说话的MIMI狗能给男女老少带来快乐愉快的时间哦!Talking MIMI will ensure hours of amusement and fun for people of all ages.

男女老少,合家团聚,幸福声声,幸福绵长。Men and women, old and young, family reunion, happiness, and happiness long.

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战时所有男女老少都投入到战争中去。All the people,men and women,old and young have plunged into war in the wartime.

在那里居住的男女老少中,有两个涉嫌谋杀被通缉的嫌疑犯。Among the men, women, and children who lived there were two suspects wanted for murder.

这一天,全国上下男女老少品尝煎饼、畅饮伏尔加,到处洋溢着欢声笑语。On this day people all over the country eat pancakes, drink vodka and have lots of fun.

在这项调查中,研究人员收集的数据来自1002名18到85岁年龄段的男女老少。For the study, the researchers collected data on 1,002 men and women from ages 18 to 85.

在这项调查中,研究人员收集的数据来自1002名18到85岁年龄段的男女老少。For the study, the researchers collected data on 1, 002 men and women from ages 18 to 85.

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她与男女老少进行交谈,以他们特有的语言,收集他们的故事。She spoke with men and women, young and old, collecting their stories in their own words.

“我们为每个人提供伙食,无论男女老少,”这位埃及伊玛目告诉伊斯兰在线。"We are catering for everyone, women, youth and elders, " the Egyptian-born imam told IOL.

他什么都不要,只要降祸于一切人,不分贫富贵贱,男女老少。He wanted nothing but ill to all men, to rich and poor, men and women, young and old alike.

什么狗屁论,大街小巷,男女老少,都在教人如何如何坏到底。What nonsense theory, streets, men and women, old and young, teach a person how bad the end.

这类节目不但能使人增长知识,而且能开阔眼界,男女老少都喜欢。Everybody likes that program, because it helps expand our knowledge and broaden our horizons.

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他什么都不要,只要降祸于一切人,不分贫富贵贱,男女老少。Eg. He wanted nothing but ill to all men, to rich and poor, men and women, young and old alike.

他们都赤条条一丝不挂,男女老少全都围着一堆火,因为我看到有烟。They were stark naked, men, women, and children, round a fire, as I could discover by the smoke.

这些快乐让男女老少都从我身边走开,而不能享受我所能给予的快乐。The pleasure that distracts men, women, and children from the pleasure that I, a book, could give.