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储蓄率的比值是净数值。The ratio is a net figure.

比值会接近一个确定的极限值the ratio will approach a definite limit.

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我们能得到许许多多不同比值的重复。So that's a very wide sort of ratio there.

那么,比值就等于加速度Then, that ratio will give you acceleration.

的比值越大,干裂势就越小。The bigger the ratio, the smaller the potential.

心肌电压和心肌团块比值下降。The ratio of voltage to cardiac mass was decreased.

在房地产泡沫时期,此比值上升到4.2。During the housing bubble, this ratio jumped to 4.2.

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这比值的落差在印度更大,虽然印度也发展迅速。The gap is even larger with India, which is also growing fast.

超声能够影响神经阻滞的风险效益比值吗?Can ultrasound impact the risk-benefit ratio for nerve blocks ?

在孵卵期,繁殖行为比值最高。Breeding behavior is the main behavior during incubating period.

比的前项除以后项所得的商,叫做比值。The quotient of the first term and the last term is called the ratio.

有任何非典型痣和没有的人相比所得出的相应比值为4.0。The corresponding ratio for any atypical nevi compared to none was 4.0.

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这是指望远镜的焦距与其孔径的比值。This is the ratio of the focal length of the telescope to its aperture.

当汽包压力较大时,汽包总应力与蒸汽压力成近似定比值关系。With the relationship, the maximum stress in the drum can be calculated.

力场的旋度是,描述扭转力矩与转动惯量比值的量。the curl of a force field measures the torque per unit moment of inertia.

在ESR测年研究中,被测样品的年代是通过样品的古剂量与样品所接受的年剂量的比值得到的。In ESR dating, the age is given by the ratio of paleo-dose to annual dose.

某一光源发出的光通量与其消耗功率的比值。Of a source. Quotient of the luminous flux emitted and the power consumed.

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图1底下的数值是指网不面的边不幼与两个网不面洋心距的比值。Figure 1 the above value refers to the dot's sides and two dot pitch ratio.

换句话说,温度和能量的比值,应该出现在这里。In other words, the ratio of energy to temperature should be involved here.

两个岩系代表性岩石在稀土含量、稀土比值以及稀土模式上都不相同。The two rock series are different in REE content, REE ratio and REE pattern.