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我听说在绿岛浮浅很不错。I heard that Green Island has good snorkeling.

不要成为一个挂名的、掉以轻心的、浮浅的基督徒。Don't be a nominal, casual, superficial Christian.

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其实他用不到这样殷勤,他跟伊丽莎白的交情是很浮浅的。His acquaintance with Elizabeth was very trifling.

他对错误的认识比较浮浅。His understanding of his mistake is rather superficial.

呼吸快,浮浅,并且发出咕噜声,一分钟有40次。The respirations are rapid, shallow and grunting, counting 40 a minute.

浮浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。shallow men believe in luck. self-trust is the first secret of success.

会显得浮浅或虎头蛇尾。身体与心灵都很美丽。May seem superficial or inconsistent. Beautiful physically and mentally.

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然而这一分析是很浮浅很不全面的,事情其实更为复杂。Yet this analysis is so glib, so incomplete. The truth is more complicated.

在大厅里,浮浅得挑衅者将被容许吞下燕子。In the hall, the shallow challenger shall be allowed to swallow the swallows.

我开始觉得很多世间所追寻的东西是很浮浅的。I already began to feel that much of what the world was seeking was superficial.

相比之下,她们自己浮浅的生活和一潭死水般的日子倒变得难以忍受了。By comparison, their own shallow life, their stagnant days, were becoming unbearable.

那么是如何看待戛纳节的呢?它像他说的那样浮浅么?。J – So what did you think of Cannes? Is it as sleazy and superficial as they all say it is?

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这里的水也相当适合浮浅,当然其他水上活动也适合。The water is also perfect for snorkeling and whatever other water activities you might enjoy.

你也可以游泳,浮浅或在蓝天白云下躺在沙滩上,聆听海的旋律。One could swim, snorkel or just laze on a quiet beach of pure white sand under bright blue skies.

在水上运动中心将为你提供的浮浅齿轮和浮选背心,如果你想的话。The water sports centre will provide you with snorkelling gear and a floatation vest if you would like one.

抵达码头后搭乘客船前往热浪岛。抵达后办理酒店入住手续。午餐后出发出海浮浅。Arrive jetty and transfer to Redang Island by ferry. After lunch will proceed to snorkeling. Dinner provided.

即使什么活动都不参加,只在岛的周围浮浅看鱼,也不会觉得寂寞。Even if any activity not to participate, only in the surrounding snorkelling see fish island, also won't feel lonely.

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留意一下你的呼吸是短促的、浮浅的和紧张的还是平静的、深沉的和放松的,将一种放松的节奏带回到你的呼吸中。Observe if your breathing is short, shallow and stressed or calm, deep and relaxed. Bring a relaxed rhythm back into your breath.

我注定是孤独的,因为没有去做普遍市场意义的东西,也没有去追逐浮浅的流行观念,而是去实现高层次的精神存在。Maybe I would be deemed to be lonely because I did not do focus on market importance, nor did I chase the shallow concepts in fashion.

个海岛组成。爱好出海的团员可选择自费前往风景宜人的浮浅。或自费前往野外喂鹰。After breakfast free on leisure. Langkawi Island formed by the 104. Sea-loving members can choose their own expense to feed wild eagles.