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癌症的征服为期不远。The conquest of cancer is imminent.

出现“血友病沙皇”也为期不远了。A haemophilia tsar cannot be far away.

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第二份报告的发布为期不远。The publication of a second report is imminent.

沿着河流,可以发现一些将要建造水坝的迹象,而且为期不远。Along the river, signs are emerging that dams will be built, and soon.

实际上,希腊已经处于债务违约的边缘,退出欧元区也为期不远了。In practice Greece is on the brink of defaulting and abandoning the euro.

肃清这一部分残余敌军,还需要一些时间,但已为期不远了。It will still take some time to mop up these enemy remnants, but not long.

另外稳定的1.9目前离发布也为期不远了,我觉得我们真的应该前行了。Anyway the stable 1.9 release is upon us now and I really think that we should all be moving forward.

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布什的卸任日期越来越近,他退休回到德克萨斯克劳福德农场的日子已经为期不远。Bush's diary is becoming lighter and lighter as he heads towards retirement to his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

通过这些手段,农民与迁入城市的农民工将享受与城市户籍人口相同待遇的那一天便为期不远了。By doing so, the day in which farmers and farmer-laborers who move to the cities will enjoy the same rights as urban residents will not be far off.

只要我们合理规划、科学决策、规范管理,相信厦门离岸金融市场的建立为期不远。Only if we program reasonably, decide scientifically and manage normally, the day will not be far away when offshore financial market is built in Xiamen.

而治疗神经退化疾病的动物实验,也有令人满意的成果。相信利用人类胚胎干细胞衍生细胞的试验,也为期不远。Given much promising experimental evidence in animals, therapeutic trials of human ES cell derivatives in neurodegenerative disease are probably imminent.

中国加入世贸组织多边议定书的起草工作正在加快进行,中国成为世贸组织成员已为期不远了。As China accelerates the drafting of multilateral protocol on its accession to the WTO, it won"t be long before China becomes a full member of this organization."

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然而,在社会主义市场经济条件下,传统公有制却无法与私有制相抗衡,其主体地位的失落已为期不远。However, under the socialist market economy, the traditional public ownership and private ownership can not match, the loss of its dominant position is not far off.

要是不能有效地控制变异狂犬病病毒交叉传染,在医学上寻找出有效的医治被传染的人类,人类时代灭绝可能为期不远。If not effectively control rabies virus variant cross-infection, in medicine to find out the effective treatment of infected humans, the human era of extinction may be far off.

一旦这种波长的实际存在被发现,提出把它作为星际间唯一可辨认的广播频率就为期不远了。Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested.

由于技术的发展,与外空相关的武器研究和军事技术已取得长足进展,昔日图纸上的武器和武器系统很快可能成为现实,进入外空为期不远。As we are cheering for every success of peaceful exploration and use of outer space, we are also alarmed a series of perilous development. The space military technology is advancing rapidly.

这张泄漏的图片上显示的日期是5月14日,这暗示尼康最近才刚刚拍摄了这组图片,而D300S的发布日也为期不远了。The photo being previewed in the capture is also dated May 14th, hinting that Nikon has only just recently processed the capture and that the camera maker is nearing a release for the D300s.

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只要你肯花点心思研究一下你想要和她约会的那个女人,那么离你得到她已经为期不远了。As long as you are willing to put in a little “work” in your search for a woman that you want to date and be with, then getting a girlfriend can actually be kind of easy when you think about it.