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太阳黑子进入冬眠期?Sunspot Hibernation?

太阳黑子来来去去,但最近它们大多已经莫明其妙地消失了。SUNSPOTS come and go, but recently they have mostly gone.

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像太阳黑子一样,恒星黑子大小会变会迁移。Like sunspots, starspots should change in size and migrate.

这意味着,太阳黑子将不复存在。This means -- you guessed it -- sunspots can't exist at all.

用它拟合1848-2002年太阳黑子相对数数据,取得很好的效果。We use it to fitting 1848-2002 sunspot data . The effect is good.

这些光斑常常是形成太阳黑子的先兆。These faculae frequently are the forerunners of sunspot formation.

太阳黑子运动使广播突然中断了几秒钟。The broadcast was snapped for a few seconds by the sunspot activity.

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上星期,人们用地面望远镜观测到了这一太阳黑子群。The monster spot came into view of Earth-bound telescopes last week.

而且太阳黑子的数目越多,周围就会有更多的太阳风暴。And the more spots there are, the more solar storms there are around.

另一方面,年轻的太阳往往年长的出现更多太阳黑子。For another thing, young suns tend to have more sunspots than older ones do.

旱年的发生与太阳黑子活动密切相关。The occurrences of dry years were closely related to the sunspot activities.

太阳黑子是由入侵活动进入太阳深层磁性表面造成的。Sunspots are caused by irruptions into its surface of the sun's deeper magnetism.

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然后他关联他已收集的大量数据,与11年的太阳黑子活动周期。He then correlated the reams of data he'd gathered with the 11-year sunspot cycle.

这是一个关于干旱与太阳黑子活动周期有关的令人感到有趣的理论。A bright and hot area in the sun's chromosphere , usually associated with a sunspot.

从1645年起,整整70年得时间里天文学家没有观测到任何太阳黑子。Beginning in 1645, astronomers monitoring the sun observed no sunspots for 70 years.

太阳黑子的活动性与我们从太阳那获得的总能量密切相关。Sunspot activity is correlated with the total amount of energy we receive from the sun.

尽管暂时风平浪静,但更多的太阳黑子意味着风暴更为强烈的恒星气候。More sunspots mean stormier stellar climes , although it is clear sailing for the time being.

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太阳黑子是太阳表面相对较冷较暗的,大致呈圆形的区域。Sunspots are relatively cool, dark features on the sun's surface that are often roughly circular.

1609年夏天,伽利略曾第一次用它观察了月球,之后他还观察到了木星的卫星和太阳黑子。Using it, he first observed the moon in the fall of 1609, then the moons of Jupiter, and sunspots.

太阳黑子,位于太阳外层气体发生巨大核聚变的黑点,正在改变太阳的输出功率。And sunspots—dark dots on the face of the great fusion reactor in the sky—do alter the orb's output.