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智慧与年俱增。Year brings wisdom.

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所罗门王的智慧!King Solomon's Wisdom!

智慧莫过沉默。No wisdom love silence.

自我了解就是智慧。Self-knowing is wisdom.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。Water stands for Wisdom.

他们的智慧尽归无有吗?Has their wisdom decayed?

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他的言谈闪现着智慧。His talk gleamed with wit.

智慧的灵魂在于勇力。Brevity is the soul of wit.

他是一个有智慧又博爱的人。He was a witty loving man.

所罗门智慧过人。Solomon excelled in wisdom.

简练是智慧的真髓。brevity is the soul of wit.

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哎,这就是营销的智慧啊。Ah, the genius of marketing.

美,是智慧,是静谧。Beaut , is wisdom, is quiet.

明哲人却以智慧为乐。Mingzhe but a man of wisdom.

多思出智慧。Much thinking yields wisdom.

惟有在道理中才调找到智慧。Wisdomis only found in truth.

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多有智慧,就多有愁烦。Much wisdom comes much sorrow.

下围棋需要智慧。Playing go demands our wisdom.

信靠是敬拜的行动,就好象孩子信靠父母的爱与智慧,父母就快乐。Trusting is an act of worship.