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“如果我想要在洛杉矶、纽约或芝加哥找工作,结果就是不断吃到闭门羹,”他表示说,并说自己在柏林取得了些许进展。He said he had made some progress in Berlin.

我昨天去你们家玩,可是吃了闭门羹。I went to visit you yesterday but there's nobody home.

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你跟他说什么了吗,还是直接给了他个闭门羹?Did you say anything to him or just shut the door in his face?

汤姆要求调任时,他的老板让他吃了闭门羹。Tom's boss slammed the door on his request for a job transfer.

麦可要求调任时,他的老闆赏了他闭门羹。Mike's boss slammed the door on his request for a job transfer.

在医院吃了几次闭门羹之后,管礼明决定向法院起诉。After the hospital refused several times, Guan decided to sue it.

但是,如果进入过晚,又有可能被拒之于门外,吃“闭门羹”。However, they may be excludes if they arc too late for the entry.

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打算和他好好谈谈,却吃了个闭门羹。I intended to have a talk with him, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

我昨天去他家看他,不想吃了闭门羹。I went to see him yesterday, but unfortunately I was to a locked door.

可以确定的是华纳电影公司绝对不会再雇用他,而且HBO也已经让他吃了闭门羹。Certainly Warner Bros. won't want him back, and HBO have already turned him down.

我不断地把自己的作品发给杂志社和出版社,但大多数时候都吃了闭门羹。I kept sending my work to magazines and publishing houses, but I got mostly refusals.

学生们向工厂行进,准备“与工人阶级会师”,然而却吃了闭门羹。The students marching toward the factories to “meet the workers” found the doors closed.

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如果一个男人的体味糟糕或是不讲卫生,那对于女性来说,这便是性方面的闭门羹。A man who smells bad, or who has bad breath — that can be a sexual kill switch for women.

家用电器和艺术品很受俄罗斯商人的欢迎,但服装和纺织品却吃了闭门羹。Household electric appliance and works of art are popular with the Russion. But costume and drygoods are the oppsite.

在现实世界里,美貌是一种营销工具,有时它会为你开启机遇之门,但有时也会让你吃个闭门羹。In me real world beauty is a marketing tool that can occasionally open doors and occasionally slam them in your face.

西方首脑尽管无所谓中国的职责,但却总是在人权问题上吃“闭门羹”。Western leaders, unnerved by Chinesefinger-pointing, are at least used to the cold shoulder where humanrights are concerned.

瞬太说自己吃了由实香母亲的闭门羹,于是就等由实香的父亲回来,谁知道就睡着了。Instantaneous too said they ate by a real sweet mother refused, and then by the firms father came back, who knows fell asleep.

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晚餐是在晚上11点提供的,在那个时段门是要被关上的,惠灵顿公爵就是这个时候吃的闭门羹。Supper was served at 11 PM, and at that time the doors were closed for good, as the Duke of Wellington discovered to his chagrin.

这些“战略”讨论大都吃了公司的闭门羹的原因是它们根本就不具备战略性。The reason most of these “strategic” discussions are met with the corporate equivalent of a barely muted yawn is that they are not strategic at all.

干挨家挨户上门推销这一营生得脸皮厚,这是因为干这一行不仅要经受风吹日晒,还要承受一次又一次的闭门羹。比尔。波特忍受着这一切,以及别的种种折磨。Making a living as a door-to-door salesman demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face.