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他品格不好。He has a weak character.

他是一位品格端正的公民。He is an upright citizen.

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但这对塑造品格很有帮助。It's very character-building.

他是一位品格高尚的人。He is a man of high character.

永不言败是追究者的最佳品格。Is the best for the character.

他是一个品格高尚的人。He is a person of high principles.

我认为这种品格正是我们现在所需要的,I,think,that’s a quality that we need right now.

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人们都赞赏他的品格。People all appreciate his integrity.

权势的确是一种品格的试练。Power really is a test of character.

品格高尚的人是很有良心的。The man of character is conscientious.

留情是强者才具有的品格。Forgiveness is the option of the strong.

品格高尚的人也是尊重他人的。The man of character is also reverential.

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一个人的优秀品格让他区别于他人。I wish I could have an excellent personality.

我择友的标准是品格一定要好。I choose my friends for their good characters.

我回答说,我对他的品格不感兴趣。I replied, I’m not interested in his character.

你品格高尚,该得到相应的报偿。You have acted nobly, and deserve a recompense.

永不言败,是成功者的最佳品格。Never give up, is the best character of success.

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静,是松树一般傲立于世的品格。Still, it is commonly in the blend of pine trees.

仅仅有智慧是不够的,还需要品格。Intellect sufficeth not, character is also needed.

意义是历史的风骨,价值是历史的品格。Significance is the stem and value is the quality.