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亲爱的舅母,你真是郑重其事。My dear aunt, this is being serious indeed.

梅尔夫人注意到了这种郑重其事的脸色。Madame Merle appeared to note this eagerness.

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是呀,我希望你也能够郑重其事。Yes, and I hope to engage you to be serious likewise.

“那是圣诞节的装饰,”我女儿郑重其事地说道。"It's a Christmas decoration," my daughter announced.

他郑重其事的讲话方式适合于那个场合.His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion.

排队买票的当地人都一副郑重其事的样子。There was a sense of occasion among the locals queuing to buy tickets.

他坐下来给麦尔布礼写一封郑重其事的信。He seated himself at a table in order to write the letter of recommendation.

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这本来就是初创企业的发展道路,没必要郑重其事地昭告天下。This is the path of a startup. I don't think you need to make this explicit.

“不洗衣服我就没活干了,”乔郑重其事地说,“我除了洗衣服啥都不会。”"And me out of a job, " Joe answered seriously. "I don't know nothin' but laundrying."

他郑重其事地接受他们的致意,并把这些致意连同其他见闻统统珍藏在心里。He receives these salutations with gravity, and buries them along with the rest of his knowledge.

即使有家长对此类指控郑重其事,到警察局去告发科佩尔曼也是收效甚微。Even when a parent did treat the allegations seriously, going to the police yielded little result.

也许是因为她带着自己的茶包并且郑重其事地为自己和你泡茶。Perhaps it's because she has brought her own tea bags and is ceremoniously preparing her cup—and yours.

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然后,他郑重其事地从一个天鹅绒口袋里掏出一块普普通通的石头,扔进了水里。Then, with great ceremony, he drew an ordinary-looking stone from a velvet bag and dropped it into the water.

在清点死亡人员时,柳时镇郑重其事将高班长的全家福放他手中,并敬礼送别。In deaths were counted, liu town in sadness when put his hand, the high class family photo and salute farewell.

这些国家的经济增长已经相当强劲,强劲得使他们的央行郑重其事地担心起通胀来。Economic growth in these countries is already so strong that central banks are seriously worried about inflation.

自愿者开始都很害羞还不停地笑,但然后事实上他们变得郑重其事,一丝不苟。Our volunteers were nervous and giggly at first, but then became increasingly earnest and emphatic—intense, in fact.

“我给你七双鞋,”他宣布,她郑重其事地点点头,“可我指的是大的愿望,你想要什么大东西。”"You shall have them," he announced, while she nodded her head gravely. "But I mean a big wish, something big that you want."

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那也是紧张生活的一种点缀吧,尽管从来,我也没有觉出那段时光的苍凉悲壮和郑重其事。It is also the stressful life of a dotted, though never, I did not feel the time desolate solemn and take the matter seriously.

日本敦促与会各国领导人们巧着装而不要穿得郑重其事,尽管日本公认工薪族西装是非常好的选择,并不亚于传统服饰。Japan, which considers a salaryman suit as good as any national costume, is urging leaders to dress smartly, rather than dress up.

起初有人郑重其事地说他的方针和意图不符合国家的最大利益。There were solemn suggestions at first that his policy and intentions might not be in acord wit the best interests of the country.