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靠近竟然是这样一件惊心动魄的事。Near unexpectedly is such an soul-stirring.

经历过如此惊心动魄的事件之后,他变得成熟了。He seasoned after such a soul-stirring incident.

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它可以把一段感情酝酿到惊心动魄。It may ferment soul- stirringly section of sentiments.

全部节目将使尊敬的观众惊心动魄。A repertoire of tricks will astound the esteemed public.

德思礼一家、玛姬姑妈和哈利共用了一顿惊心动魄的晚餐。The Dursleys, Aunt Marge and Harry have a fancy evening dinner.

可曾记得,大部分的梦都有一段惊心动魄的紧要关头?Ever notice that most dreams have a blood-surging urgency to them?

其实,一个国家的财政史是惊心动魄的。The history of a country's public finance is quite a revealing one.

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亲看目睹跳山经过,惊心动魄!Witnessed someone jumped from the top of the mountain. Pretty scary!

小偷和警察在市区展开一场惊心动魄的飞车追逐。The thieves led police on a heart-pounding car chase through the city.

阴风惨淡的港府,上演着一幕幕惊心动魄的灵异事件。The chilly wind bleak, staged a thrilling scene of supernatural events.

影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。In the film's climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。In the film’s climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

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他们立即展开了一场惊心动魄的防止塌方的战斗。They immediately undertook the heart-stirring battle to prevent the landslide.

这是一个梦幻的项目——在惊心动魄的海岸边奢华的静居!This is a dream project – a luxury retreat in a breath-taking coastal setting!

在这惊心动魄的整个过程中,我在高塔内几乎差不多的高度上飘动。I floated at about the same level in the tower for the whole bone-shaking ride.

看,世界十大最高最快最酷最惊心动魄的过山车。Collection of the world’s fastest, tallest and the most scariest roller coasters.

通过本展项,将可进行一场惊心动魄的太空之旅。Through this exhibition item, we can experience a "thrilling journey into space".

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经过这么多小时惊心动魄的营救,消防员们说他们还不知道幸存者的名字。Even after so many hours, the firemen said they didn\'t know the survivor\'s name.

白银有些惊心动魄的逆转走势,有些人则不愿如此.There are some heart-stopping reversals in silver, and some people don't want that.

冲突过后,往往是惊心动魄和异常悲惨的经历。Following the impact, the situation is dramatically and catastrophically experienced.