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她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。She rode horseback posting elegantly.

而分队长也提醒大家要训练马步。And his commander also remind everyone to stance training.

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体育课上,老师教我们蹲马步。The teacher teaches us to practice horse-riding steps in PE class.

小黑一上台就蹲起了马步,一蹲就是五分钟,却连眉头也没皱一下。He came to the horse squat, squatting is five minutes, even Never frown on the brow.

每个人都想成为大师,大师们都是从反复练习扎马步开始的,一些人也因为枯燥无味而泪如雨下。Everyone wants to be a master, but mastery takes practice and that just bores some folks to tears.

坐在椅子上的时候,假装你坐在凳子上,其实在蹲马步,站起来的时候别用手.At your desk chair, pretend you're going to sit but don't -- stop and come back up without using your arms.

我被弄的直出汗并默默的骂着自己,这个时候但丁走近了我,我感觉他在我旁边蹲成马步,把他的手放在我的后背。Sweating and silently swearing to myself, I felt him straddle the air around me and place his hands on my back.

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吃饭时众新兵没有椅子,蹲着马步吃饭,众人均吃的痛苦无比。The boot at the dinner table chairs, squat down to eat, ma bu or horse stance just look they are painful to eat.

他向后推了推椅子,为了舒活筋骨,他以马步的姿势叉开两膝迅速蹲了下去,接着朝着壁炉走去。He pushed back his chair, straddled his knees with a downward jerk, to get them free, in horsy fashion, and went to the fire.

首先,有一个练功的姿势,叫“骑马式马步”。这个姿势与你骑马时的姿势一样的。First of all, there is a practice of postures, called "riding-type horse. " The position and posture when you are riding the same.

吴冠志四人在两个老兵的监督下被罚顶着一袋米蹲马步,四人均咬牙坚持。Wu Guanzhi four people at the top of the two veteran was fined under the supervision of a bag of rice and come, four on the per capita.

弓步、马步、虚步、歇步、仆步、推掌、缠手、拍脚。The main techniques are forward lunge, horse stance, empty step, rest-stand step, crouching step, pushing palm, twisting hand, and pat the feet.

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“水手”这个词就意味着一个人会游泳吗?说到游泳,靠扎马步,在旱地上做些幻想的练习就能让你学会游泳吗?Does the word "sailor" mean that a person can swim? And speaking of swimming, can you learn it by grinding your horse stance and performing idealistic land exercises?

缺了这个,就好比让一个五音不全的人去当歌唱家,一个马步蹲不好的人去当武术家,一个大字不识的人去当书法家,结果不言而喻。Lack of this, is like a tone deaf person to work as a singer, a bad man squatting stances to as a martial artist, an illiterate person to as calligrapher, the result is self-evident.