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动物会丢弃最弱小的幼仔。Animals reject the runt of the litter.

我们是弱小的羊,而你们是狼。We are the sheep and you are the wolves.

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弱小的国家目瞪口呆并吓呆了。The weak countries were agape and aghast.

找不到弱小的动物让你开膛破肚了?Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?

车里恐惧气氛迷漫,使我倍感自己弱小不堪。My car was full of dread , it made me feel so weak.

弱小的势力比强大的势力有时更加热衷冒险。A weak power can be more reckless than a strong one.

弱小的表面张力也促使了泡泡增长速度变快。Low surface tension also helps bubbles grow quickly.

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弱小因灵魂而无畏,鄙陋因思想而永恒。Weak get gut from soul, Shabby immortal for thought.

我将弱小的身躯畏缩在墙角的某一面。I will be weak body cowering in a corner of one side.

即使是在弱小的米纳尔迪车队,2001年他也拿到了第10。Even in the unfancied Minardi in 2001 he finished 10th.

林肯的计划是正确的,但北方却有一个很大的弱点,北方的海军太弱小,难以完成这一使命。Lincoln's plan was good. But it had one major weakness.

一个小姑娘是一码事,而一头弱小的猪又是另一码事了。A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.

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那些弱小的国家将不再被掠夺和处于贫困中。Countries will no longer be plundered and kept in poverty.

此时,我感觉到一只手温柔地放在我弱小的后背上。Then I felt a hand gently pressing on the small of my back.

弱小的狼都会听命于头狼。The smaller, weaker wolves knew how to obey the wolf leader.

“我想要那一只,”小男孩指着那只弱小的狗崽说。"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.

首先被击溃是一个弱小的敌人,山脊部落。They defeated the weakest of their enemies first, the Ridgers.

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“我想要那一只,”小男孩指着那只弱小的狗崽儿说。"I want that one, " the little boy said, pointing to the runt.

这就是说,很多长期支持美元的壁垒开始变得弱小。That said, many long-standing dollar bulwarks are looking weaker.

从尘埃里提拔弱小的人,由粪土中举扬穷苦的人。He lifts up the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap.