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飞机在上空发出嗡嗡声。An aircraft droned overhead.

都飞到北海遥远的上空。Far beyond the northern sea.

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来吧.80英尺长的充气狗在城市上空游荡。An 80-foot dog over the city?

机场上空盘旋。He circled over the aerodrome.

他在小型机场上空盘旋。He circled over the aerodrome.

现在,城市上空的天已经变蓝了。The sky of city has blued now.

在LQ上空向右飞一老圈。Make a left short circle on LQ.

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这鸟在它的鸟窝上空盘旋。The bird hovered over its nest.

鞭炮在头顶上空噼啪地爆响。The fireworks cracked overhead.

像鸟儿一样飞翔在城市上空?Flown like a bird around a city?

一轮圆月挂在花园的上空。A full moon hangs over the garden.

飞机在上空回旋。The airplane is circling overhead.

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飞机从小村庄上空掠过。The plane scudded over the village.

西维吉尼亚州上空的云洞Hole Punch Clouds over West Virginia

然后它就飞越这座城市的上空往那户人家去了。It flies over the city to the house.

蜜蜂在花的上空定住了。The BEE hung poised above the flower.

一架飞机正在森林上空盘旋。An airplane was swanning over a forest.

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让飞机在上空盘旋悲鸣。Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead.

一架直升机出现在他们上空。A copter appeared in the sky above them.

很多鸟在头顶上空盘旋。A number of birds are circling overhead.