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答案是骨头传导科技。Bone conduction.

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四要大力开展科技指导服务。technology services.

资讯科技是恐惧和忿怒.It was fear and anger.

资讯科技会是惊奇.It would be a surprise.

现在我也很高科技了。Now I'm high-tech , too.

宏正自动科技是埃及为太阳。Aten is Egyptian for Sun.

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设计与科技室是装备精良。D&T Room is well-equipped.

我丢了我的科技书。I've lost my science book.

而下面的这个即是我高科技的门卡。And my high-tech door card.

华屏科技股份有限公司,欢迎您!You are welcome to AIPO TECH!

让你的办公室使用科技领先技术。Make your office techno-savvy.

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噢科技资讯网'告诉我怎么做。Oh darlin' tell me what to do.

科技创新产权的分配政策。The allocation policy of STIP.

人人都在高科技行业工作。Everybody works in a high tech.

别一股脑搬出这些科技对话,脑怪!Easy on the tech talk, brainiac!

是时候关掉科技产品?The time to turn off technology?

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可成科技也拒绝置评。Catcher also declined to comment.

过去的实例是数码科技。The last example is the digitals.

这他妈怎么是个科技故事?How the hell is this a tech story?