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题目要求考生写一篇论说文。Examinees are asked to write an argumentation.

写一篇论说文,在文中你将解释作者如何运用论据来说服读者。Write an essay in which you explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience.

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第三部分主要讨论南北朝时期佛教对论说文的影响。The third part focused on discussing the Northern and Southern Buddhism's influence on the essay.

此外还要有一篇论说文和艺术界人士的推荐信。This is further followed by an essay and recommendations from established members of the art world.

你可以写一篇论文或是依据个人本身兴趣与看法的论说文。You are responsible for coming up with a thesis or argument largely dependent on your own interests and ideas.

课程内容涵盖不同的写作体材,如描述、记叙、论说文等。Students will be taught different writing styles, such as description, narration, exposition, and argumentation.

本篇是典型的关于某一问题利与弊的论说文。Euthanasia has been a highly controversial issue at home and abroad. In some northern European countries it is legalized.

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论说文是我国古代散文的重要组成部分,是古代数量最多、影响最大的文体之一。Essay was an important part of Chinese ancient prose, which had the largest number and the most influential in ancient times.

三国时期的论说文文论以谋求论说文独立的文学地位为指向。During the Three Kingdoms period, the argumentation the ory strove to gain an independent literary position for argumentation.

晋代论说文文论较前一时期有了长足的进步。Argumentation theory of the Jin Dynasty made tremendous progress, the number of critics increased, and research methods improved.

为陈述自己的主张,文士们热衷于口头上的“议”和“谈”,这也给论说文的发展带来新的改变。To present their ideas, scholars were interested in verbal "debating" and "talking", and this brought new changes to essay development.

包括描写文、叙述文、论说文等各种不同体裁的写作。Including the description article, the narration article, discuss Shuowen and so on each kind of different literature style the writing.

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论说文正是用来展现心智的力量,包括由想象力与崭新思维释放的强大能量。Papers written to persuade bring all of that power to bear including the considerable energy unleashed by imagination and fresh thinking.

考试可能要求考生写一篇论说文、报告或描写文等,一般没有最多字数限制,但你的答案所占空间是有限的。You may be asked to write an essay, report, or description etc. There is no maximum word limit, but there is a limit to the amount of space in which to write your answers.

分析结果说明,学生的读者需要意识的缺失妨碍他们构建连贯、客观和得到有效说明的论说文。Data indicate that in many instances, lack of awareness of reader needs forms a hindrance to their constructing coherent, objective and effectively substantiated written arguments.

我们由嵇康一些论说文的结构方式、论辩析理的技巧特色等入手,可以窥知其散文对传统论文的继承与突破。From the structure and some techniques adopted in Jikangs argumentation, we are able to catch a glimpse of his inheritance and breakthroughs towards traditional argumentative essays.

韩愈和培根的论说文在写作内容和写作风格方面体现出两人不同的思考立场——社会和个人。Asians focus on context, relationships, and collective, Westerners focus on objects, areas and individuals. Han Yu and Bacon's essay to reflect the difference between East and the West.

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因此,写作论说文时,应特别仔细谨慎,并自我锻炼,以备面临直截了当的说明文不会引起的强烈反弹。Therefore, a persuasive writer should prepare his paper with meticulous care and also prepare himself against strong responses that seldom come to writers of straight-forward exposition.