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阿帆想成为一位植物分类学者。A-Fan wants to be a taxonomist of plants.

号分类学是一个标识符分类法。Number taxonomy is an identifier taxonomy.

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这是无脊椎动物系统分类学的网页。This is the web page of Invertebrate Systematics.

想想看,我从八岁时就阅读分类学著作。Imagine an 8-year-old kid looking at taxonomy books.

关于苔草属寸草组的分类学讨论。A taxonomic discussion on genus Carex L. sect. Boernera.

然而,其分类学分类仍未改变。However, the taxonomical classification remained unchanged.

茶树核型的分类学意义初探。A primary study on taxonomical significance of tea karyotypes.

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新疆阿魏属及其相近属间的分类学研究。The taxonomic studies on Xinjiang Ferula and its close genera.

在分类学和生态学上,这些生物多种多样。The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these organisms is large.

组织-框架,字典,分类学,信息架构。Organizing – schema, thesauri, taxonomies, information architectures.

在昆虫分类学上隶属鞘翅目,拟步行甲科,粉甲属。In insect taxonomy attached Coleoptera, a walk to Branch, is a powder.

在动物分类学上,它属于蜥臀目、蜥脚亚目、梁龙科。In animal taxonomy, it belongs to the Saurischia, Sauropoda, Liang Longke.

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中国木贼科植物的数量分类学研究。Studies of numerical classification on the plants of Equisetaceae in China.

数学形态学在昆虫分类学上的应用研究。Ⅰ。在目级阶元上的应用研究。Use of math-morphological features in insect taxonomy. Ⅰ. At the order level.

文中对花粉资料的分类学意义进行了探讨。Finally, Taxonomical significance of the pollens of Allium is discussed by author.

用以指示同层级的同一分类学分类单元的两个或多个名称的每一个。Each of two or more names of the same rank used to denote the same taxonomic taxon.

而且,许多分类学家描述新物种的速度也远比研究人员猜想的要快。Moreover, many taxonomists describe far more new species than the researchers assume.

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关于蓼族属级及属下分类问题,分类学家持有不同的意见。The taxonomists have different opinions about the classification of Trib. Polygoneae.

近日,一棵有着强劲支持率的系统树解决了灵长类一直未解决的分类学问题。A robust new phylogenetic tree resolves many long-standing issues in primate taxonomy.

试论植物形态分类学与化学分类学的辨证关系。On the dialectical relationships between plant morphotaxonomy and plant chemotaxonomy.