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这栋小房子被一些高楼大厦包围起来了。The small house was fenced in by high buildings.

但是,高楼大厦并非浦东的全部。But high-rise buildings are not all that Pudong has.

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是爸爸建起了新世纪的高楼大厦。My father who erects the buildings higher and higher.

我儿时玩耍的那些田野现在已盖满了高楼大厦。The fields where I played as a child have been built over.

是爸爸建起了新世纪的高楼大厦。It is my father who erects the buildings higher and higher.

街道的两旁都耸立着高楼大厦。The streets are all lined with tall buildings on both sides.

在万有无缺的国度里,人们不修建高楼大厦。THEY do not build high towers in the Land of All-I-Have-Found.

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我对深圳那么多的高楼大厦印象很深。I am impressed with how many morden buildings there in shenzhen.

它发展迅猛,高楼大厦是上海的标志。It develops very fast. Tall buildings are the symbol of Shanghai.

而且,路两旁的高楼大厦如雨后春笋拔地而起。Moreover, high-rise buildings springing up along the road going up.

而城墙外则是高楼大厦林立的新城。Outside the city walls is the new city with serried tall buildings.

多姿多彩的高楼大厦,在夜色中绚烂夺目。Colorfully lit high- risers give off dazzling light in the darkness.

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浑浊的棕色河水已经升到屋顶,拍打着高楼大厦。Murky brown water grows to roof tops and lapped around the high-rises.

我们知道,超人可以跳越高楼大厦,徒手抓起汽车。We know he can leap over tall buildings and pick up cars with bare hands.

啊,那些高楼大厦、华灯、香水、藏金收银的闺房还有摆满山珍海味的餐桌!Oh, the mansions, the lights, the perfume, the loaded boudoirs and tables!

嘿听着,冒险跟什么高楼大厦要不两栖动物可没什么关系,别往那想。Taking risks does not have to involve big buildings or amphibious animals.

从公共汽车看到许多新建的高楼大厦,还有绿色的树木沿续在街道两旁。From the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and green trees along the street.

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但是昨天,远一点的高楼大厦大多消失在一片黄黄的霾雾之中。But yesterday, a murky yellow haze swallowed many of the distant tower blocks.

这里没有那么多高楼大厦,更容易放飞属于自己的心灵与梦想。There are not so much high-rise buildings, so the dreams are more likely free.

一幢幢新建的高楼大厦在各处拔地而起,规模宏伟,设计精美。New buildings, massive in span and artful in design, have sprung up everywhere.