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我还喜欢接力比赛。I also like the relay races.

混合泳接力赛的顺序又是怎样的呢?And the order in medley relays?

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接力比赛中我将尽我最大努力。I'll try my best in the relay race.

接力比赛令人兴奋的了。The relay races were exciting, too.

港灯接力队队员。Hongkong Electric relay team members.

她的班被分成了几个接力的队伍。Her class was divided into relay teams.

接力队中的主力跑最后一棒。The anchor man in a relay team runs last.

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你们接力队的第一棒的队员是谁?。Who is the lead-off man in your relay team?

你只能在你的小队长放置的接力重生点重生。You can only spawn at your squads Rally Point.

给我留下影响最深的是接力比赛。Leave me the deepest impact is the relay RACES.

我喜欢接力比赛——这是最激烈的。I love the relay races–they're the most exciting.

在接力比赛中他把最后一棒传给了我。He passed on the last stick to me in the relay race.

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在男子接力比赛中,6班开始时落后。In the boys' relay race, Class 6 fell behind at first.

我喜欢800米赛跑比赛。我还喜欢接力比赛。I like the 800 metres race. I also like the relay races.

听起来不错,你知道混合泳接力比赛的顺序吗?It sounds great. Do you know the order of medley relays ?

北京奥运火炬接力路线已经确定,杭州是其中一站。Olympic torch relay has been decided with Hangzhou as a stop.

一次黉舍活动会上,我加入了女子400米接力竞走。A school sports, I participated in the women's 400-meter relay.

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把我的接力位置拱手相让,就是这样。Handing her my relay position on a silver platter, that's what.

在学校运动会上我们班赢得了女子接力比赛。Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.

古时候信息是用接力的方式从一地传送到另一地。In ancient times the messages were relayed from one place to another.