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爆炸使她失明。The explosion blinded her.

玛丽从一生下来就双目失明。Mary's been blind since birth.

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她因失明而丧失视力。She was disabled by blindness.

如果我肾亏失明,他们就不能征我当兵。If I go blind they can't draft me

失明?像水晶一样洁净!Loss of vision? Clear as crystal!

这就是为什么我们做测试双目失明。This is why we do the test blind.

她19个月的时候就失明了。She lost her eyesight at 19 months.

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那士兵在战争中双目失明。The soldier was blinded in the war.

失明是非常严峻的惭疾。Blindness is a very serious disability.

失明成为我人生的一个分水岭。Going blind was the watershed of my life.

把你的倩影献给我失明的双眸。Presents thy shadow to my sightless view.

这个军人在那次爆炸中双目失明。The soldier was blinded in the explosion.

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失明、视力低下,和色盲Blindness, low vision, and color blindness

失明人的武士,战胜黑暗之军。Blind people, the darkness of the warriors.

一次事故使他双目失明。His blindness is the result of an accident.

家里有一个年轻小伙子和他的双目失明的母亲。There was a young man and his blind mother.

加建新翼以多容纳20名失明女童。A new wing added to house 20 more blind girls.

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我害怕在任何时刻失明的突然降临。I feared blindness would set in at any moment.

紫薇在逃亡中,头部受创而失明。Crape myrtle in exile, head injury and blindness.

有时候我们将此称之为精神性失明Sometimes this is described as psychic blindness.