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最大的谎言是你美中不足的谎言。The biggest lie is the lie of your imperfection.

唯一美中不足的是天气。The only fly in the ointment could be the weather.

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而美中不足的是在进行讨伐鞭挞的时候走的有点远了。The weakness is that it takes its crusading a little far.

他们能展现一些美中不足之处,并且因此更吸引人。They can show some rough edges and be more appealing for it.

这汤美中不足的是不够咸。There isn't enough space for the equipment in the laboratory.

他在今届赛事已交足功课,唯一美中不足是入球欠奉,真的有点欠运。He did everything but score a goal in the tournament, was unlucky.

当然,这样设计美中不足的是缺少视觉吸引力。The downside of the design is, of course, its lack of visual appeal.

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另一处美中不足的是,他们俩都是非常忙碌的人。The other fly in the ointment was that they were both very busy people.

美中不足的是,她带着一个还是婴儿的女儿,名叫妞儿。Fly in the ointment is that she is carrying a baby daughter, named girl.

然而,不久我们就发现了美中不足的地方。It didn't take long before we discovered a fly in the ointment, however.

美中不足包含在一个多粘菌素B和石油基地土霉素。The ointment contains polymixin B and oxytetracycline in a petroleum base.

惟一美中不足的是,iPod的销售量由去年的1100万台下降到1020台,降了7个百分点。iPod dropped to 10.2 million, from 11 million a year ago, a decline of 7 percent.

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美中不足的是该软件只支持上传功能,无法浏览照片。Flickit is an upload-only utility. So you're not going to be browsing your photos from it.

但是,董英在北京的生活方式却美中不足——实际上,她住在地下室里。But there is a severe flaw in her Beijing lifestyle. Dong Ying lives, literally, underground.

但是美中不足的是,学校没有挂上“欢迎来到巫师学校”的欢迎横幅。Only one deficiency of the campus, there is no welcoming Banner “Welcome to wizard’s campus”.

围绕着盛况和庆典,美中不足的一点是,新娘太瘦了。Amid all the pomp and celebration, one of the darker aspects to the wedding was how thin she was too.

这里虽然珠光宝气,但美中不足就是缺少现代化的家用电器。Let's call it the Palace of Beauty! Though it is richly jeweled , it has no modern electric appliances.

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小芳的介绍极流利,但美中不足的是给人背诵的感觉。The introduction of the small fang, but very fluent in the ointment, give a person the feeling of reciting.

这是一种盛行已久的模式,它和任何模式一样有优点,也有美中不足之处。That’s a model that has been around for a long time and, like any model, it has its strengths and weaknesses.

此举值得赞许,但美中不足的是西方国家现在卖往东方的香烟达到空前的数量。This is praiseworthy except that Western countries are now selling cigarettes in the East in greater numbers than ever.