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只适用于退保时已遗失保单。Only applicable to surrender with the policy lost.

在投保初期的几年里,可能也会收取一定的退保费用。There may also be surrender charges in the early years.

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以往有无保险公司退保或拒保贵司产品责任险?Has any insurer ever cancelled or declined your products liability?

现在对其评价有不同声音,甚至有的地方还出现了退保潮,其中的误解应当消除。However, it is doubted by various circles, and a tide of surrender exists in some places.

赎回、转出或退保时需从赎回款额中扣除退出费。Exit fee will be deducted from the proceeds upon redemption, switching-out or full surrender.

最后本文对退保解约现象的影响因素进行实证分析。Finally, the paper did empirical analysis on the factors of life insurance surrender phenomenon.

本文主要通过对中国寿险市场的退保解约现象进行研究,期待寻找其影响因素。Basing on China's life insurance market, this article studied on the surrender phenomenon, hoping to find its factors.

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退休入息提款最短时期为12个月、退保保单或直至投资账户内无结存金额。The minimum period for withdrawal is 12 months, upon the policy surrender or until the investment account value is exhausted.

本人确认已阅读及明白本退保说明文件所提供的资料及收到本计划的销售册子。I confirm having read and understood the information provided in this Illustration Document and received the principal brochure.

投资联结保单提早断保通常牵涉很高的费用,因此退保价值可能少过所付出的保费。An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value payable may be less than the total premiums paid.

第五章为全文的总结,总结全文研究分析的结果,并就寿险退保现象对保险公司实务提出了一些建议。This part gave conclusions to the whole paper and gave some suggestions on how to reduce surrender in life insurance to life insurance companies.

如发生大规模集体退保事件,或退保金出现大幅增长,另外还要增加分析报告。If there are incidents of large-scale collective surrender, or surrender gold has increased, while it is necessary to increase the analytical report.

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作为实际的问题,让人们随意退保会让其它人的保险费用更加昂贵。As a practical matter, letting people opt out if they don’t feel like buying insurance would make insurance substantially more expensive for everyone else.

主要是由于投资收益缩水,退保率持续上升,经营成本大幅增长以及目前代理人制度中存在的问题引起的。The reason is that the investment shrinkage, the increasing of surrender rate and operating costs, and the problems existing within the present agent system.

改用年缴方式后,若借款人提前偿还全部或部分贷款,由于以后年度保险费尚未缴纳,无需履行退保手续。To payment methods, and if the early repayment of the loan in full or in part, due to subsequent annual premiums not yet paid, to surrender without formalities.

二是提防可能出现的非正常集中退保,完善寿险行业退保应急机制。We are also precautious of unusual tides of policy surrender and will improve the emergency response mechanism with regard to such surrenders in life insurance.

笔者将利率和退保因素引入寿险风险模型,得到了在死亡随机事件和撤出随机事件两种损失环境下,寿险破产概率的一个递推公式。This paper introduces these two factors, thus works out a recursive formula of ruin probability under double-losses condition resulting from death and surrender.

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保单持有人要求宏利退保以提取保单价值,保单持有人明白宏利可收取有关提早赎回费。The policyowner requests Manulife to surrender the policy for its Policy Value. The policyowner understands that early redemption fees may be levied as appropriate.

传统的寿险模型只考虑在单损失环境中由死亡随机事件造成的经营风险,忽略了实际操作过程中利率和退保因素给保险公司经营带来的影响。The traditional life insurance model only considers the loss caused by policy-holders' death, while it overlooks the effects brought by interest rate and surrender.

魏伟说,近年来,因为农民工去别的地方工作时保险关系转不过去,于是一些农民工团体组织主张集体退保。In recent years some migrant worker groups have advocated quitting insurance schemes altogether because coverage cannot be transferred when they move to a new region, Wei says.